I`m a Beginner. Is it ok to only sale myself as a walk around magician?

Sorry I didnt really answer your first two questions. I am doing magic 10 years. I ment by "shows". Just the typical being on stage doing a magic show for a crowd. I was thinking if I was to start off doing walk arounds to build up my confidence. Then later on I could start doing shows. I hope that makes sense. Even though I relaise now I shouldnt turn down really anything.
If you are interested in going that route, I did an interview with my producer about how we pulled of my first headlining stage act that ended up be an hour and a half show. I'll link the video interview here so you can check it out:


Elite Member
Nov 24, 2015
California, USA
you see, the first time I did a walk around I made the mistake of carrying two tricks on me and thinking I could go through everyone with those two. DON'T DO THAT!!! You should have enough to last 1/3 of your gig with one audience just to be prepared and to let old audience members join in with new ones. Don't show everything you've got to one audience because if later they ask to see a trick you will be standing there with a deck of cards looking through your head for a good trick you haven't shown them. I also think you shouldn't be doing magic all the time, treat yourself as a guest that is paid to also make sure everyone is having a great time and not just throwing every tick you have at them. Hope this helps :)
Aug 31, 2007
You can advertise yourself as a walkaround performer and own that market, sure. Best thing to do to challenge yourself is to take any and every gig you can. Say yes, and if it's making an elephant appear you can say "no, but I can find someone who can" and get in touch with that person. I would suggest the Successful Performercast for a lot of great advice from performers.

And the road is different for everyone, there is not one right way to get there. You will get a lot of weird advice, but just go out and do it.


Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
Oh dear lord please help Tyler S. and others. Do your own thing. 95% do not know what they are talking about here...
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
It depends on the goals of the performer.

A generic performer will often be able to get a lot gigs, but those gigs will probably be low paying. Because the people who hire generic performers are hiring by price.

Niche performers get bigger fees because they can't be replaced.
Dec 7, 2016
It depends on the goals of the performer.

A generic performer will often be able to get a lot gigs, but those gigs will probably be low paying. Because the people who hire generic performers are hiring by price.

Niche performers get bigger fees because they can't be replaced.
Thanks Christopher. I get it now.
Aug 31, 2007
I do agree though, focusing on a niche and being known as a specialist has always been what I've seen as key.

I am by no means a professional. I have a full-time job, child on the way. But make a very nice side as a part time magician.
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