Party Tricks...

Sep 1, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Alright this is the situation:

I'm at a party. Everything is chill. Someone brings out a deck. We start a small game. Conversation sways the topic towards... wait for it... David Blaine and Criss Angel.:eek: One of my friends say that I know a few tricks. So I do a few impromptu stuff (it was a borrowed deck) - a few tricks and flourishes and everythingelse (thanks to Dan and Dave) and a few other tricks. I don't want to give up any more of my arsenal so I call it quits after about four or five tricks and we go back to our game and it's all good.

The question here is: What tricks would you do in a situation like that? Anything apart from ACR. Borrowed deck. No setup (or very minimal - ie. can be set up in front of the spectators openly or with a little misdirection). Surrounded. Hecklers awaiting.

Please include a source where you can see a performance or maybe a book from which you can learn it.


Trick: The Queens

Effect Summary: The four queens are shown. One by one they disappear in a flourishy manner. They are then produced in one quick, fluid motion.

Dan and Dave Buck

Taught in: The Trilogy

Add a link to a performance if you can find a good one.

Also try and post tricks that have a party feel to it or one that has an appropriate patter. I entertain mainly my age range (14-19). For example I changed the Queens effect patter so it's like the Queens disappear when I enter the room but reappear when my friend comes in and I leave...
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Oct 9, 2007
Any transpostion is a good one. An impromptu here then there sort of thing in the spectators hands. Just two double lifts are enough it isn't taught anywhere--looks a bit like this

2 card monte is another you probably know where to get that

Twisting the aces by Dai Vernon. Taught in loads of places

Jumping Gemini by Darwin Ortiz taught in At the card table. Available at loads of places just Goolge it.

Thought of card to pocket. I use the little subtlety in Past Midnight by Ben Earl which you can get at

If they don't mind you ripping a card then I would do warpone. Can get it at

There are countless number of packet tricks that you can do. Try Colour Monte with ace of hearts, spades and a black queen.

Also, being able to cull cards can make a lot of tricks impromptu. It sets the cards up right under the specs nose. Go to and scroll down until you see "The Cullfather". Best place to learn the best cull in my opinion, and it's got a few incredible impromptu tricks on there. Just take a look at the video for Concrete Sandwich which can be done impromptu.

Try to get as much of it in the specs hands if you're sure they won't turn the card over or whatever.

Also you don't need to just stick with the cards. Once you've done a few with cards then get a few coins out. Rubber bands are easy to get hold of and you can do great stuff with them. Crazy Mans Handcuffs by Michael Ammar is a good one and so is Ready to Link by Geoff Williams.

Hope that helps.
awesome, i like this forum. much to learn

Creator: Peter Harrison

Effect(s): Harrison transpo effect 1 in combination with Harrison transpo effect 2

summary: two different four of a kinds transpos positions not once but two different times, they think you hold gaffs, but a borrowed all the more impressive.

at first I wasn't gonna put this in here since there set-up, but "while you see if the deck is full" whatever crap you love to convince them, you cull a four of a kind to the top, the risk of the set-up during the performance is so worth the jaws dropping as you amazes them the first, second, third, and fourth time.

taught in: I think it's in sleights of haggis, but it may be magic in the real world. both great pdfs/ videos from peter Harrison.
Sep 1, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Thanks Asuka I'll check out Twisting the aces and Jumping Gemini. I have the Cullfather DVD and it's brilliant. I also have a few Gregory Wilson videos so I'll re-watch them.
Sep 1, 2007
I go into a 4 card routine. Usually starting with with Deja Vu (Bucks) and then going into Chad Long's Another Rumour (hell of a trick, found in one of his Cheesy Volumes). From there I tend to mess around with the 4 cards, possibly going something like Bill Goodwin's 4-1 Transpo (not all too sure where it can be found) but most often heading into my sandwhich routine (basically comrpising of a standard sandwhich effect, one foun in Justin Miller's 3005 Lecture notes, and another found in one of the Talk About Tricks volumes, which brings the Aces back). Then on out...I wing it, do a card to pocket routine combined with a CTM...
Dec 22, 2007
biddle trick, shaking the aces, 2 card monte, or just have them pick a card then take an indiferent card and do a color change to their card.
Creator: Peter Harrison

Effect(s): Harrison transpo effect 1 in combination with Harrison transpo effect 2

summary: two different four of a kinds transpos positions not once but two different times, they think you hold gaffs, but a borrowed all the more impressive.

at first I wasn't gonna put this in here since there set-up, but "while you see if the deck is full" whatever crap you love to convince them, you cull a four of a kind to the top, the risk of the set-up during the performance is so worth the jaws dropping as you amazes them the first, second, third, and fourth time.

taught in: I think it's in sleights of haggis, but it may be magic in the real world. both great pdfs/ videos from peter Harrison.

Thanks sourboarder for the compliments on the effects and I'm glad you're making the jaws drop! :D


Elite Member
Dec 2, 2007
I write down a lot of effects that would be perfect for impromptu situations.
I've learned that the act of writing things down helps retain a lot of things that you would normally forget. You can always carry that list around and won't need it anymore.

Here are some effects from my list:
1. Biddle trick
2. Reset
3. Jazz aces
4. Oil and Water (a bit broad but there are many out there)
5. Twisting the aces
6. Sandwich effects (Dan and Dave's Trilogy has a beautiful version)
7. Fabulous Four Aces (check out John Bannon's version. It's the icing on the cake)
8. Cros Twist
9. Cards to Pocket (a Million variations here)
10. Paperclipped (All you need is a paperclip)
11. Indecent (Every home has ziplock bags)
12. Stigmata (This is clearly a finisher)
13. Sinful - Coin in the Soda can (So is this)

Hope that helps.
Dec 28, 2007
Jumping Gemini by Darwin Ortiz taught in At the card table. Available at loads of places just Goolge it.

I disagree on this one. With borrowed deck a trick where you appareantly have four exatly same cards?

Here's a couple of:

Trick: Neither Blind nor Stupid

Effect Summary: Finding two chosen cards under very impossible conditions. Very dramatic build-up.

Creator: Juan Tamariz

Taught in: Sonata, Lessons in Magic vol. 1

Trick: Any Poker Hand Called For

Effect: Spectator freely names any poker hand. In some versions, he also names the number of players, and which player gets the desired hand.

Creator: I don't know original inventor, but Simon Aronson and Juan Tamariz have versions of it, and in Card College is almost impromtu version

Taught in: I recommend the one in Card College for impromtu performances.
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