Search results

  1. Masta Ace

    Does Digital Dissolve require refills?

    I'am thinking about ordering Digital Dissolve, and I noticed that there is a refill option for 24.99. This doesn't require refills...does it? Is this a mistake?
  2. Masta Ace

    A review for the Tango Ultimate Coin?

    I'am considering buying either the T.U.C or Digital Dissolve. I know what the gimmick is for the D.D even though I don't yet own one. I've read reviews on the Cafe that say that the T.U.C. can do everything that a Sl*pp*ry S*m gimmick can do. Unfortunately, I don't have a paid for e-mail, so I...
  3. Masta Ace

    Criss Angel... magician of the century?

    So, flipping throught the channels the other night, I saw Criss Angel on WWE, as mentioned in a previous thread. Well, what was failed to be mentioned was that Criss Angel was recently named "Magician of The Century". So, I thought to myself....I've only known who Criss Angel is for around 5...
  4. Masta Ace

    David Blaine - Drowned Alive?

    I hate to bring up the masked moron, as I know he doesn't deserve mention. But, I do DVR his shows just to see what he has revealed, I think by DVRing it that I don't actually contribute to his ratings because I don't actually watch it when its on, I could be wrong but I don't think so. Anyways...
  5. Masta Ace

    Camera tricks

    I know he claims to not use camera tricks, and alot of people believe him...but... do you?
  6. Masta Ace

    Any non smokers out there that do cigarette magic?

    I don't smoke, nor would I do it even for an effect, however I'am still a bit intrigued by cigarette Magic. I really like Cyril's manipulations and I have 50 Ways To Rock a Lighter. I was just wondering if anyone out there was using fake cigarettes or do you think that cigarette magic doesn't...
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