All out, or not?

Feb 27, 2008
Before getting anything online or fancy, a friend recomended that I get a normal everyday bycile deck from walgreens. What would you recomend I do? also. For a first reletively nice deck either gaff or normal, what should I get and where?
Before getting anything online or fancy, a friend recomended that I get a normal everyday bycile deck from walgreens. What would you recomend I do? also. For a first reletively nice deck either gaff or normal, what should I get and where?

Yes, get a regular deck of bikes. You really don't need to buy in to all the hype of "custom decks". They're pointless in my opinion, except for flourishing. Sure they last a couple extra weeks, but really, you could buy two decks of regular Bicycles for the price of most custom decks. Think about that...

Anthony Bass
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Dec 10, 2007
yea buys regular cards, dont buy custom decks i agree with anthony. as a beginner, you get attracted to these "expensive" if you will - cards. at this point in time ( as a beginner) you dont know how to handle cards. buy them later to increase the longetivity of the custom cards, and use it to its worth, but now as a beginner, i suggest regular bikes=)
it was a huge mistake when i bought the custom decks. You also said something about gaffs. don't buy these either, learning to make your own will save you time, trouble and money in the long run. If one goes missing, which with me they do frequently you can make your own again, no biggie, with the way i do it, not strip but sand the back off with some really high grit sand paper it cost 2 cards for a DF
Sep 2, 2007
Agree with all of the above.

If you are starting out, don't even think of gaffs first (my opinion). Not sure about your skill level but get your basics down and confidently do 2 to 3 effects. Practice over and over go out perform then move on.

Regular decks are meant to be trashed. Buy a brick and let loose!
Dec 28, 2007
Get a deck of bicycles, and order Card College vol 1. somewhere. I promise you, if you start with Card College, you will thank yourself later. And take your time, be patient. After you get the basic knack to a deck, practising will start working.
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