Be Yourself With Someone Else's Magic

Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
Thanks for the read it was very interesting.

It is so true, I still occasionally steal a few lines of patter when I am doing my effects but I have made the decision to rework my patter. I saw a performance on youtube of one of the members from these forums where they straight stole Wayne's formal patter for how he was dared to do the effect. Even to the crazy pseudo method to achieve this. When reading the Artful Mentalism of Bob Cassidy there was one principles was that if you try to be someone else you will fail to be anything more than someone living in someone else's shadow. And if thats the case you should take up a career as an Elvis impersonator at least they show respect. (Okay okay I stole that from the book, but I did it out of respect.)
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