Best card forces?

Aug 31, 2007
The DMT force I heard of is that the deck is spread out on the table. The person can reach in and grab out a card, change his mind, replace that card and pull out a different one. And it will still work.

I still think it's a legend until I see it myself.

- harapan. magic!
Oct 9, 2007
Well I can think of two ways to do that DMT force and one is a one-way deck. If it's not the other way I have in mind, which is simply a DL, then I'm pretty sure it's just imaginery.
Oct 28, 2007
Sydney Australia
I have indeed seen the DMT force or something similar to that before live.
He basically spread the cards on the table, made me pick a card and put it back.
Then he shuffled and spread the same deck of cards again on the table.

And sure enough i picked the same card as i did previously. This was not those one way decks or gaff decks, because I flipped all the cards over afterwards and it was just a regular deck of bikes.

As for how he did it..i have no idea
Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
I have indeed seen the DMT force or something similar to that before live.
He basically spread the cards on the table, made me pick a card and put it back.
Then he shuffled and spread the same deck of cards again on the table.

And sure enough i picked the same card as i did previously. This was not those one way decks or gaff decks, because I flipped all the cards over afterwards and it was just a regular deck of bikes.

As for how he did it..i have no idea

I've found this: CLICK ME OOH CLICK ME!!

It sounds similar, I guess. I can't comment on it though, I don't own it.

- Sean
Oct 9, 2007
If you want to learn (or have the time to learn) different ways of mucking cards then these can be effective. Spread the pack and let them slide one card out, then do say a McMillan Switch to turn over the card. Loads of different table switches out there I'm pretty sure most will do the job nicely.
Classic force works best for me. Most convincing, and seems to work most of the time. I've even had people CHANGE the card they were going to pick, and GRAB THE FORCE CARD INSTEAD. Pretty unbelievable, huh.

Riffle force works great too, if you haven't got the classic force down. A good tip is to classic force every selection on a spectator, even if it doesn't need to be forced. Perfect your technique that way.
Oct 12, 2007
Orlando Fl
hindu shuffle force, the dribble force. Thats all I could think of, although my favorite is riffle, although you can also do the backslip.
Sep 1, 2007
on Theory11.
The classic force is really convincing and the more you do it, the better you get. A good rule of thumb: Do the Classic Force every single time you have a spectator pick a card. Every time. If they don't pick the force card, don't freak out. Just to a quick trick with their card and move on. But-
If you absolutely need them to pick the card you want them to, I usually go for the Slip Force or Hindu Force.
Jan 7, 2008
There are several i use. I use the riffle force, another used by sankey *though i don't think he created it* where your spectator taps a card as you go through the deck and every time with no effort on your part they hit the force card. and my third one is very situational, if i'm feeling very cheeky and i have a non too observant spectator. I will just hand them a card, come up with a random comment for 5 seconds and then say "Ok so don't let me see your card." they forget i handed it to them and believe it's one they picked themselves.
Sep 2, 2007
Whenever I need to change things up, instead of the Classic Force or the Riffle Force, I use the Hindu Shuffle Force. The Hindu Shuffle Force is a slick, effective force that is ever so simple, but efficient, as it does accomplish its job.

Classic Force is amazing when it works. One of those one's where you want to giggle with happiness when your spectator picks the forced card.

There is so many forces it's hard to pick the best or favourite in my opinion. Like Mitch said whatever works for you, if you perfer Slip Cut over Hindu go for it, if your vice-versa that's fine.

I like to switch it up a tad though. Do different types in my performances, it may sound "inconsistent" but, if you have one of those people who look for breaks in the card and such, just perform another force and your own your way.

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