Cups & Balls - Please Comment


Jan 18, 2008
Great job. I was really shocked with the bird at the end. I wasn't really expecting that. The only critque that I would have at all is just go a little slower. Other than that well done!!!
Sep 3, 2007
The beauty of the cup and ball routine is that when performed perfectly, every single motion is justified and completely expected, and therefore it looks less like the magician is doing something and more like the cups and balls are doing something. I won't go into specifics for fear of exposure, but make sure that all your actions are natural and justified. Give every action a reason, or else it becomes suspect and therefore the first thing people will remember when they try to backtrack and figure you out.

I watched it with the sound off so I can't really say anything about your patter, but I will tell you that it was a very nice touch making the bird appear at the end. Also, avoid making 2 identical threads.
Nov 30, 2007
Its very good. But when you envolve kids go slowly first of all. Also, when you make the balls disappear from your hands maybe have a kid tap on your hand or blow on your hand. Something that makes them feel envoloved and like they have the "magic touch". Thats what I would recommend. But once again, very nice job.
Feb 19, 2008
Austin Tx

There aren't a lot of sections here and im mostly a card magician so...
It seem more logical...
They should have a Close up Magic and all the other branches of magic....
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