D+M Aces - Mystique

Jun 20, 2008
Belchertown, MA
Does anyone else feel that the last ace reveal in the Aces trick is not as good as it can be. I just dont get a good reaction with that last revealed ace. Is there any other way to reveal the last ace besides what is taught. It is a great trick overall though =]

Apr 28, 2008
I haven't got round to performing this trick but I have learnt it and I agree that the last production isn't particularly good. Even in the performance the spectators hardly seem to realise another ace has appeared.

An idea i've been playing round with is producing the third ace, doing some sort of twirl to show it as one card then 'splitting' it into 2 aces using the 2 card flourish Dan and Dave use in Mary Kate and Ashley and Fission for Aces.
May 3, 2008
i actually get really good reactions from the last ace.
i put the aces in their hands so the magic happens "in the hands". Also, i make sure their attention is totally diverted from their hands before redirecting the focus back. Gives the "what the *&$*#! whys there one more card here!" reaction.
Jun 27, 2008
i use the deck vanish to reveal the last ace. then i say something like there isnt much i can do for you without a full deck so i need that back and pull the deck back out of the box.
Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
well you coulld just place the thrid ace in their hand after you vanished the deck and say "Ok, so now we got the four aces, lets begin." And they'll be confused and say theres one ace missing. And then you can say " What are you talking about? The ace of (insert suit name here) was in ur hand from the start."

Also, you can just produce the 3rd ace, and then do the splitting production from thunderbird.
Jun 5, 2008
I have performed this about 4 times for a bunch of my friends. I seem to get a pretty good reaction on it every time. But it still dosnt feel right because the reaction after the deck vanishes is so great. It is hard to get a reaction like that for the last reveal. After the trick they always talk about how the deck vanished and one ace was left in his hand.
Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
How about loading it into a spectators pocket beforehand? That'd have a pretty dramatic effect.

Must be careful when doing these things though, don't want them thinking or even saying out loud "When did you put that there?" "You must've done that earlier" etc. You want them thinking, "how did that get from the deck to my pocket?"

Try it sometime, no harm in trying. :)

I thank you though... You just inspired my thinking. ;)

- Sean
Sep 15, 2007
stray thoughts

You could use a Himber Wallet and say something like I will bet this $10 that your going to like this...give them the wallet to hold and bang reveal the Ace at the end or something like that. Change the ace to a ten or something else that they may have signed earlier. Transposition effect can be very powerful if done right.

Is there a way to make it appear in the cellophane wrapper of a sealed card box? Or switch the encased deck for a new deck with the last ace appearing outside the case but inside the sealed wrapper?

great now you guys got me thinking about ways to end this effect ......isn't magic grand.
just a few stray thought,
Apr 28, 2008
How about loading it into a spectators pocket beforehand? That'd have a pretty dramatic effect.

Must be careful when doing these things though, don't want them thinking or even saying out loud "When did you put that there?" "You must've done that earlier" etc. You want them thinking, "how did that get from the deck to my pocket?"

Try it sometime, no harm in trying. :)

I thank you though... You just inspired my thinking. ;)

- Sean

You must be especially careful about this with this particular effect. The spectators don't actually see the Aces in the deck before you produce them. You can get away with 1 card to pocket (or other location) but if there's 2 then the spectators will probably realise the aces were never in the deck to start with.
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