Draven Reviews: Light Speed by Perseus Arkomanis

Title: Light Speed

Artist: Perseus Arkomanis

Producers: Alakaza Magic

Retail Price: $35.00 USD

Learning Difficulty: Advanced

Length of DVD: (aprox) 50 minutes


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Confession time: I hate sleeving. It’s hard. It’s a pain in the rear to learn, and it’s really easy to find other things to work on instead of sleeving anyways. Yet sleeving is probably one of our most powerful utility weapons as magicians and when it comes to learning this technique thankfully we have Perseus Arkomanis as our instructor.

Light Speed teaches Perseus’s techniques to sleeving and when applied with mastery of the skill looks like pure magic. The DVD isn’t filled with fluff either. You’re already discussing drills and proper technique within five minutes of hitting play.

Perseus teaches some classical coin moves as well as full routines. He even teaches some classic tricks such as coin in bottle, coin through glass table, and copper silver that are as open and as clean as you could want. His copper silver is even ungimmicked! Routine wise I loved his coins through table napkin bit, but he teaches several different routines on the DVD.

Sleeving enables you to perform the kind of magic most magicians only dream about. It’s versatile, and the effects you can accomplish are limited by your imagination. Perseus not only teaches you how to sleeve but he also teaches you the psychology behind why it works. This makes Light Speed more than just a DVD teaching a few tricks, it makes it a master’s class in the subject of sleeving.

There are a few DVD’s that I keep on my “most used” shelf. Light Speed just got added to those. I would argue that this is essential material for any student of magic to review and learn and if you’re going to learn then why not learn from the best? I highly recommend Light Speed.

When I give my product scores below I am measuring them on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 Being absolute the worst score possible, and 10 being the absolute best, making a score of five average. The four points that I grade upon is Product Quality, Teaching Quality, Sound & Video Quality and Overall Quality.

Product Quality: 9

Good price. Excellent material.

Teaching Quality: 9

Great tutorial. Everything from drills to ease learning to the psychology as to why it all works.

Video & Sound Quality: 9

Great sound and video.

Overall Quality: 9

This is a must have DVD.

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