Draven Reviews: Move by Danny Weiser & Taiwan Ben

Title: Move

Artist: Danny Weiser & Taiwan Ben

Producers: Taiwan Ben Magic

Link: Available At Your Favorite Murphy’s Magic Dealer

Demo Video Link:

Retail Price: $34.95 USD

Learning Difficulty: Easy

Length of Video: 26 Minutes (Approx.)

Move is a modernized version of the classic “Golden Key” effect where instead of the teeth moving and locking into an impossible position on a key, the plastic pocket clip on a pen cap moves, and then reattaches back to the pen cap.

What you receive is a very well-made prop that is a gimmicked Bic pen, and a gimmicked Bic pen cap. The pen also comes with online tutorial instructions, which probably over teaches the effect more than necessary. For such a simple prop, surprisingly there’s a lot of thinking that went into designing the effect so you can perform this as naturally as possible without giving the spectator any reason to suspect the pen is gimmicked. The gimmick, by the way, is so ingeniously hidden that the pen, even though it’s gimmicked, can be handed out before and after the trick for examination without fear of the spectator ever finding anything.

The hardest thing about the presentation is getting used to eyeballing the markings on the pen that let you know which way the gimmick is oriented. Maybe my eyesight is just crap, but I find the natural markings on the pen just a bit more difficult to spot at a quick glance than the instructions indicate that I should. From a performance perspective though the effect is a curious and visual mystery. I don’t think audiences are overly familiar with the Golden Key, and this is a neat little alteration on that routine. Enough so that I can see merit in performing this. I don’t think this is a needless reskinning of a magic trick for sake of making profit from magicians. I think this can legitimately stand on its own as its own effect. The angles are near fool proof, the visuals are very impressive, and the reset is damn near instantaneous. This is a great organic worker for strolling, and maybe even parlor. Assuming everyone can see everything okay at a distance. It is a small pen after all. I think the real power in this effect, and its Move’s biggest selling point, is the fact that the pen can be examined before, AND after the magic happens. You’re in complete control of the moving pen clip, everything is self-contained and invisible to spectator’s inspection, you don’t have to switch for anything because you start and end clean, and it instantly resets. It’s a wonderful piece of magic!

This was a wonderful find, and for once Danny has put out a product that doesn’t make use of cheap plastic elastic thread! I loved Move, and I recommend it to anyone looking to add a little extra magic to their close up that isn’t done with traditional cards, or coin props.

When I give my product scores below I am measuring them on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 Being absolute the worst score possible, and 10 being the absolute best, making a score of five average. The four points that I grade upon is Product Quality, Teaching Quality, Sound & Video Quality and Overall Quality.

Product Quality: 8

The price is a little expensive, but given that the gimmick is hand made it makes sense.

Teaching Quality: 8

Tutorial is easy to follow. Easy to learn, and perform with practice. Effect is probably over taught a little.

Video & Sound Quality: 8

Clear sound and video for an online download.

Overall Quality: 8

Taiwan Ben and Danny Weiser have a solid hit with Move!

Do you have a product you want reviewed? Want to see if it will stand up to the Draven Seal of Approval? Contact me directly at thewilliamdraven@gmail.com to find out how your product could be on the next Draven Reviews! Don't forget to like my blog where all my reviews are posted at www.williamdraven.wordpress.com.
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