Easy Beginner Card Trick

May 2, 2010
New York, New York
This is a video of the first card trick you should learn. It is simple but it will teach you basic slight of hand such as double lifts.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion Ethan. Personally a person should learn in the order they want in conjunction with what they want to accomplish. First slight I learned was a Over hand shuffle followed by a false one for a Trick in Scarne on Cards.

In honest truth I dont consider the Double Lift as basic sleight of hand. The concept is basic but the execution of the DL no matter what method you use is difficult. The double is probably the most abused and poorly done move in magic.
Sep 1, 2007
0:04 - Oh yeah, this is an auspicious start.
0:06 - Get a real microphone.
0:13 - Seriously, get a real microphone. Bad framing makes a video hard to watch as it is. Bad sound? There's a special place in hell for that.
0:25 - The handling thus far does not convince me you are experienced enough to be teaching anyone anything.
0:40 - That was one of the most awkward DLs I've ever seen. You looked like you had arthritis.
0:43 - You are not David Blaine.
0:48 - More incredibly awkward handling.
1:05 - A whole lot of bells and whistles for a throw-away trick.
1:11 - I can do without the "IN THREEEEE-DEEEEEE!!" gestures, thank you.

Nothing more to be said here. Read this.
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