Electric Touch Review

Nov 5, 2007
I must say I was skeptical at first about the Electric Touch. It arrived and I permanently installed it myself, slicing open my hand in the process because I used a knife instead of taking it to a pro. After all was installed and working, I walked out into the night to give it a test run. This device is amazing. It is silent, and generates amazing effects. I bent down and a stalk of wheatlike grass would move with my hand motions. I could arc electric current visibly to anything I touched. I ran my hand across a bush and watched glitter like sparks dance across it's leaves. I then walked into our bathroom and bent water falling from the tap. I felt like I really had magic powers. This combined with PK routines and certainly a large variety of other effects, will blow people away! Two thumbs up!


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2007
Houston TX
I have it and its one of the most amazing things you can do,
-It can be done shirtless if u want,oh and u dont touch the water u get close to the water and the water bends away from you, imagine doing two card monte and at the end you give them a little shock, you know no more magical guestures this time they will feel it, I rate Electric Touch 10/10
it works with almost every trick! spongeballs, ect, use your imagination- cerca trova lol
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
I have it and its one of the most amazing things you can do,
-It can be done shirtless if u want,oh and u dont touch the water u get close to the water and the water bends away from you, imagine doing two card monte and at the end you give them a little shock, you know no more magical guestures this time they will feel it, I rate Electric Touch 10/10
it works with almost every trick! spongeballs, ect, use your imagination- cerca trova lol

I did this also, but then I wanted to know what it felt like if a ran my finger under the water real quick.I made a quick motion with my finger in and out of the running faucet fast, and if my memory serves me correctly, it felt like a knife went through my finger. So don't touch the water. Bad idea. However the water does move against your finger so it bends before hitting it.
There are plenty of other things you can do with this device also. You just have to be creative.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2007
Houston TX
yeah I also touch the water accidently and i gotta say it hurts lol
like buy the trick you cant go wrong at all trust me, oh you can also move conffetti just by getting your hand close to it and you can hold on 2 a spectators hand and they 2 will be able to move the conffetti, that means you can transfer the static
Sep 2, 2007
yeah...tis really expensive...But I'd love it! it would be so cool and really help my magic!
Nov 5, 2007
...just imagne Putting electric Touch on with an M5.....

That is what I do. I claim to be charging my body then I ask if the users can feel me charging the coin. They touch the coin I am holding and ZAP! They say they can definitely feel it. I then place the coin in my hand and slowly flip it over with the trick (Mind Thread) I then tell them I can transfer the energy. I place the coin in their hand and zap them. I then tell them to hold the coin and think of it moving. They then open their hand and with a flourish from my hands the coin flips in their own hand. They then proceed to flip out!
Well for one there is a thin line of exposure here. Second, I like mine except for the fact it broke 2 days after owning it but don't worry that was my fault I installed wrong and kicked the mechanism that creates the effect. I fixed it by making a trip to radio shack but I love this device and its a superb weapon for your arsenal.
Sep 4, 2007
Yes, very possible indeed, Yigal did a good job here.

Though i've seen this done somwhere else, but not introduced to magic.

I can't give away where though, as it would result in a reveal.

Yes you can move water and seperate pepper from salt just by hovering your hand above it ( My favorite part by the way )..

But this is well worth the price, I suggest a definate purchase.
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