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Elite Member
Dear T11 Team,

"Once your lifetime point balance exceeds 10,000, you will be an official Elite Member, and you'll receive a stainless steel card in the mail!"

In 2020 January finally the time has come, I reached the 10k and became an elite member :)

But here we are now, more than half year passed and I still not received a thing.
Can anybody share their process of getting it? I have a mail thread about this, where I get various kinds of explanations like - COVID, waiting for other cards, etc...
We can easily admit this should not take 10 months...Obviously this year I won't get it (december and holiday season is coming).
After this experience I am not sure if this card exists or just a nice enforcer to be active on the site - should I let it go?

Depite we have cutsoms and duty fees I am willing to order something, let's say deck of cards in hope that I finally can receive the advertised membership card - would this speed thing up?



Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Dear T11 Team,

"Once your lifetime point balance exceeds 10,000, you will be an official Elite Member, and you'll receive a stainless steel card in the mail!"

In 2020 January finally the time has come, I reached the 10k and became an elite member :)

But here we are now, more than half year passed and I still not received a thing.
Can anybody share their process of getting it? I have a mail thread about this, where I get various kinds of explanations like - COVID, waiting for other cards, etc...
We can easily admit this should not take 10 months...Obviously this year I won't get it (december and holiday season is coming).
After this experience I am not sure if this card exists or just a nice enforcer to be active on the site - should I let it go?

Depite we have cutsoms and duty fees I am willing to order something, let's say deck of cards in hope that I finally can receive the advertised membership card - would this speed thing up?

Hey Tien!

Just wanted to jump in and help clarify some things about the elite cards over the past year. It definitely has taken us WAY longer than we anticipated to get the most recent batch processed and ready for printing. Part of that was due to transitioning to a new card manufacturer (previous one for the metal cards no longer operates), to going with a new design (a gold foil, laser-etched card), and with COVID that brought shutdowns and closures for that new manufacturer, so that batch we were sitting on was even more delayed.

I'm happy to report good news, however, that our manufacturer recently began their operations once again and that large batch is now in production, so your elite card is printing right now as we speak! This is a large batch of over 300 cards that are all individually personalized and assembled and shipped by hand, so we will work to get these out to everyone as FAST as humanly possible. Going forward there will not be this long of a delay for newer elite members.

Please feel free to reach out to us over in Support for any more questions!
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