Basically, I was going through my repertoire after watching some lectures and I found that I had no emotional patter at all in any of my main tricks (and any trick I have used ngl). I just wanted to know what emotional things, I can try to incorporate into my tricks. I'm kinda stumped as I can only think of like a romantic idea about love and that. Does anyone have any ideas, or things you have seen get a nice reaction from? (I'm 15 so maybe my patter is different then most other peoples).
Also, rather than do another thread as it is kinda related, I saw I had little comedy. I just wondered whether you guys have pre-prepared jokes, or is it spontaneous etc. I remember one time with a group which I performed for before in the day and we crossed paths again, I can't exactly remember what was said, but it set up perfectly for a diss towards the person (in like a banter way) where he took it very seriously, though the rest of the group found it funny - is this good? As by percentages the joke was good but it still upset that one guy, which is almost the opposite of the point of magic (entertainment).
Any response is appreciated.
This effect didn't have any emotional patter. It didn't make me feel like my life has changed. It didn't make me feel like I've realised the purpose of loving and so on. But it's one of the most entertaining magic videos I've seen till date.
This has no patter at all, but hits a homerun on the shock level and just looks like pure, no-fooling-around-magic (honestly, once you can do this, do you even need a patter?)
Again, no emotional value, but one of my favourite Penn and Teller performances.
Now, the following three videos are those which use emotion and hence have also made their performances memorable.
What does this mean? It means that firstly, emotions are misunderstood a lot in magic. Secondly, they are subjective.
Like mentioned before, you don't need to talk about something life-changing to perform something somebody will remember for their entire life. You don't need to be over-dramatic to be emotional.Especially if you're 15, do not do that. It comes off as a bit too much. You (and I, for that matter, haha

) have spent just a little over a decade in life, it'll not suit you to talk about emotional things. Even if you speak about romance and love, speak about what you know and what
people know that is normal to experience at your age, and chances are, they have experienced it too. The reason I bolded ''People know" is because sometimes even if you know something for sure and you have experienced it, but people think it's unlikely that you have...
It is unlikely that you have.
As for jokes, I don't deliberately crack jokes in my performance, just go with the flow. But that is because I don't plan my magic to be comedy magic. If I did however, I'd be more comfortable to at least have a few pre-planned jokes, even if others are on the spot. It's surprising how many of the things that look like casual spontaneity in the hands and words of experts, are actually planned, practised and polished over years.
Close up magic is a conversation.
This deserves to be written on a beige background with typewriter font.
Trying to shoehorn emotion in can just sound fake
In my opinion, this is truth. But not only ''can'' it sound fake. It ''does''. You can exaggerate your experience, make your walk to the multiplex sound like you were trekking, talk about watching your favourite performer on stage live when really you just watched their live performance on You Tube and were moved by it. But
something related to what you're talking about should have happened.
It's easy to fake spontaneity.
It's impossible to fake truth.
Stories and anecdotes are great, but you can also use physical objects to create an emotional connection and narrative.
This is a great idea. Also, something Ben Earl said is that if you perform an average sleight with just props that are out of the box, your magic elevates itself. Use business cards instead of playing cards and pebbles instead of coins.
And if nothing works, just look at this thread, read all of the ideas and work on each one of them, as I will be doing.

The best of artists steal ideas, in a way.