Endurance artists same as magicians ???

Obviously Blaine pops into my mind at the moment. Is he a magician, of course. Me being in my mid thirties, I idolized that man. Now, when he does that endurance type of stuff is that Magic to you ??? Imo, it's not magic persay. Is it impressive ? Absolutely. Did it take tons of training and willpower ? Of course. But to me it's not magic.......I just don't get that same type of feeling. Any of you ?!!!


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
It's not magic - that's the point of it. It's not a trick, he's really doing it.

Just like, technically, escapology is not magic (Though some magicians duplicate the feats with illusion, "real" escapologists do it for real).

Back in Victorian times, into the Vaudeville era, there were many more strange feats like this to build reputation and gain publicity. A fun book to read is Ricky Jay's "Learned Pigs and Fireproof Women" which talks about a lot of the more unusual acts from that period.
It's not magic - that's the point of it. It's not a trick, he's really doing it.

Just like, technically, escapology is not magic (Though some magicians duplicate the feats with illusion, "real" escapologists do it for real).

Back in Victorian times, into the Vaudeville era, there were many more strange feats like this to build reputation and gain publicity. A fun book to read is Ricky Jay's "Learned Pigs and Fireproof Women" which talks about a lot of the more unusual acts from that period.
Hey Chris how are you today ?? It definitely sounds like an interesting title. I take it they say fireproof women because they used to burn witches at the stake ?? I want to Google it sometime today and check it out definitely. Thanks for the recommendation. Enjoy


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Pg 239 "In 1818, Chabert, the "Human Salamander," entered a blazing oven with two raw steaks in his hand. He emerged tartare - the steaks were cooked to perfection."

They would do things like hold their hands over candles, drink boiling oil, light fireworks on their bodies, eat smoldering charcoal, etc. In short, they endured heat (and often poison as well).

Here's a link I found - https://www.amazon.com/Learned-Pigs-Fireproof-Women-Entertainers/dp/0374525706
That's just the first link, you may be able to find other options.
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Pg 239 "In 1818, Chabert, the "Human Salamander," entered a blazing oven with two raw steaks in his hand. He emerged tartare - the steaks were cooked to perfection."

They would do things like hold their hands over candles, drink boiling oil, light fireworks on their bodies, eat smoldering charcoal, etc. In short, they endured heat (and often poison as well).

Here's a link I found - https://www.amazon.com/Learned-Pigs-Fireproof-Women-Entertainers/dp/0374525706
That's just the first link, you may be able to find other options.
Omg, that's crazy you basically just described the younger generation today !! Lol..... Seriously though that's pretty nuts. Checking out the link right now thank you again
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Pg 239 "In 1818, Chabert, the "Human Salamander," entered a blazing oven with two raw steaks in his hand. He emerged tartare - the steaks were cooked to perfection."

They would do things like hold their hands over candles, drink boiling oil, light fireworks on their bodies, eat smoldering charcoal, etc. In short, they endured heat (and often poison as well).

Here's a link I found - https://www.amazon.com/Learned-Pigs-Fireproof-Women-Entertainers/dp/0374525706
That's just the first link, you may be able to find other options.
Real quick Chris I just wanted to check is it's okay if I post a 1-minute video of me doing the classic pass and ask for critiquing ?? I mean I'll start a new thread with it. But what I be allowed to do that on in this forum without getting into some sort of trouble ?


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I mean, I'm not in charge in any way but people have done that in the past. Just make sure you're ready for the kind of feedback you might get :)
I mean, I'm not in charge in any way but people have done that in the past. Just make sure you're ready for the kind of feedback you might get :)
I understand to leave but there's only a handful of guys that I really listen to ..... I know you're not in charge but I know you probably been around long enough to know the answer to that..... Thanks buddy starting new thread now.
Jul 26, 2016
IMO, the endurance thing and magic are two very different roads to the same destination - entertainment. While clearly there is an attraction for some people to watch the endurance feats, I do not personally get a thrill from watching someone push the envelope of their personal safety and well-being, or performing death-defying feats. I guess where the two roads (endurance feats and magic) intersect - the common denominator - would be the goal of producing "astonishment," and perhaps certain feats that have been traditionally performed by stage magicians down through the years that involve a danger element, the bullet catch being a prominent example. (As many probably know, Blaine got severely injured performing that). But I certainly would not classify the endurance thing as being a branch of the magical arts in any way, shape, or form.
IMO, the endurance thing and magic are two very different roads to the same destination - entertainment. While clearly there is an attraction for some people to watch the endurance feats, I do not personally get a thrill from watching someone push the envelope of their personal safety and well-being, or performing death-defying feats. I guess where the two roads (endurance feats and magic) intersect - the common denominator - would be the goal of producing "astonishment," and perhaps certain feats that have been traditionally performed by stage magicians down through the years that involve a danger element, the bullet catch being a prominent example. (As many probably know, Blaine got severely injured performing that). But I certainly would not classify the endurance thing as being a branch of the magical arts in any way, shape, or form.
I couldn't have worded that better myself Al e Cat, that is precisely how I think as well and totally agree. Thank you for your opinion I appreciate that.
Dec 29, 2017
IMO, the endurance thing and magic are two very different roads to the same destination - entertainment. While clearly there is an attraction for some people to watch the endurance feats, I do not personally get a thrill from watching someone push the envelope of their personal safety and well-being, or performing death-defying feats. I guess where the two roads (endurance feats and magic) intersect - the common denominator - would be the goal of producing "astonishment," and perhaps certain feats that have been traditionally performed by stage magicians down through the years that involve a danger element, the bullet catch being a prominent example. (As many probably know, Blaine got severely injured performing that). But I certainly would not classify the endurance thing as being a branch of the magical arts in any way, shape, or form.

Penn going off about that bullet catch is a brilliant rant that touches bases with what you just summarized it as. If I can remember the gist correctly, hurting yourself or putting yourself in legimate harm’s way = idiotic and a poor role model example. They go through a lot of work to create the slight illusion of danger without any risk and keeping things interesting/light hearted.
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