Foie Gras? What the *^%&$# is that?

I've never had foie gras but, I do eat Goose Pate quite often. It comes in tubes that are about 20 bucks each and me and my dad and my step-mom usually sit down and eat it with specialty cheeses, and specialty meats and french bread. Along with wine but, I'm not much of a wine lover. I will definetely want to try foie fras if I ever get the chance. Mr.Bayme, next time you try it put it on some bread and add some cheese and meat to it, it will dilute the taste a bit but, you can still say you ate it.

Oct 2, 2007
Mr. Kenner,

Did you taste that goose stuff with Lee Asher?

How was it?

It sounds very strange to eat such a thing. :eek:
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