Full deck stacks

Feb 10, 2013
Si Stebbins and New deck order are the only ones I know.
1-Are there other useful ones?
2-Is there any good tricks you know that utilize a full deck stack? (Excluding just telling them what card they picked)
Dec 9, 2012

Look into The Aronson Stack, and Mnemonica by Tamariz. Both of these can help accomplish miracles not possible with a regular shuffled pack!

I use them daily! Feel free to ask me any questions you may have.
Jul 13, 2010
from what i understand about them is that their just setting the deck into an order that is favorable to memorize
Not really. You can memorize any deck order and it is as easy or hard to learn as any other.
Neither Aronson nor Tamariz-stack is easier to learn than a deck in random order.
For a memorized deck (Aronson, Tamariz, etc.) it is important that it withstands proper examination (in terms of randomness), which SI Stebbins or any other highly cyclic and mathematical stacks do not (but you don`t have to memorize them).
Memorization means that you can instantely identify the card by its position in the deck and vice versa.
Not just learning the sequence.
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