Give me money you foolish mortals!

May 8, 2008
Cumbria, UK
Apologies to anyone who read the thread title and thought it would be an interesting and thought provoking essay about where magic is going these days and why visual isn't always best. It isn't. You could always pretend...:p

Anyway, I've been doing magic for a while now and think I have got some good material to a good level. I've spent quite a lot on magic (time and money wise) and am starting to think it's time I got something back (other than oh so glorious looks of amazement). Basically, what I'm saying is this; how do I start getting payed? I'm not looking for stage shows, more close up. The problem is I'm 14 and live in the UK, making it quite hard to get taken on by anywhere. So anyway, can anyone offer useful help/advice to this difficulty? I know a lot of people here DO do it professionally so I'm hoping someone can help.

Adam B
Nov 23, 2007
If you starting to think about getting payed then you want to start picking up some books on the subject and start going through those.

I've heard a lot of folks recommend getting Live at the Jailhouse. I dont have it as I am not concern with earning anything.

If you search there are a lot of threads on "getting started" that may be helpful to you.

Remember, show business is half show and half business. Learn from others and make your own way bro.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
At your age, working professionally might be a problem. Perhaps your best chance might be others' birthday parties... Simply because of age, no matter how good you are (though, normally for good reason), people will turn you down in terms of professional work, obviously restaurants, and so on.
Aug 24, 2008
I recommend buying 13 steps to mentalism. i have it and Wayne Houchin actually recommended it on his daily updates . i think it will really help you


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
You could always get a busking license form the city and perform on the streets, or at festivals. You always try farmers markets too. You would be working for tips, but there's no better way to learn than to get out there and do it. That said, I would recommend David Stones Book, Close-Up Secrets- it has a bunch of information about working for tips and general performance information that anyone would value from.
You've got to get your name known. Show tricks to people you don't know well, often I've had them offer me to do their party. If they do ask if you could do a party, ask how much you will get paid.
Just remember, there is always a chance of getting paid if you ask for money, and none if you don't. And that goes for everywhere. So just start asking for money when you do tricks.(only when they are good spectators and are really convinced that you have some serious talent.) Often spectators say, "If I could do that I'd be charging people." So there's your answer.
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