Guardians clump?

Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
Hmm...I should be seeing the UPS guy drop off my package any time now. I'll let you know how my deck handle when I recieve it. I'm a bit baffled at how my package with my Rocky the Raccoon came from USPS earlier today. I thought UPS was suppose to be the head honcho. Hah.

Shane K.
Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
UPS guy just pulled up! I got mine coming up the stairs as we speak!

Shane K.

Right out of the box my Gaurdians clumped when I tried to fan them. I must say...I've had normal decks of bikes that performed better than these things will. I'm glad I only ordered one deck. It's not a total loss at least...I've still got Distortion to look to!
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Sep 2, 2007
By all accounts, it really sounds like these things have the same stock and the same finish as regular bikes. If that's the case, playing around with them for too long can cause them to clump and wear out. If this happens to you, putting them in the box for a while should take care of the problem. Another quick fix is to give them a good riffle- or faro-shuffle, that rearranges the positions of the cards and can help sticking or fan-splitting. Also, don't even think about eating any kind of junk food before handling these unless you've washed your hands. The UV500 can stand up to that, but the air cushion doesn't have a prayer against even minimal amounts of grease.

The deck in the fridge idea is definitely NOT a good one if you live in a humid environment. This is because as soon as you take the deck out of the fridge and it hits the warm, moist air, it will instantly absorb a ton of moisture, which is not good for the cards.


theory11 artist
Aug 31, 2007
Be sure to take good care of them, and they will last just as long or longer than any other deck. I've been using the same deck of Guardians for about two weeks now-- including three video shoots, and they still handle flawlessly and feel great.

Chris Kenner
Sep 5, 2007
I need to ask a question to you guys!!!

i would like to know which deck to purchase either ghost, black tiger, viper, or guardian angel. so i would love to know whatt all of you guys think reply to this comment plz ty.
Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
i would like to know which deck to purchase either ghost, black tiger, viper, or guardian angel. so i would love to know whatt all of you guys think reply to this comment plz ty.

This depends on two things really.

- What are you intending on using them for? (Sleights or XCM?)
- What is your personal preference?

I do almost no XCM (though, I would like to change that soon) and my personal preference is a thick stock. I spoiled myself on Masters ever since they came out so I can't seem to break the habit of using them.

Any more questions?

Shane K.
Sep 1, 2007
Get 1 deck of each and try them out, see which ones you like and work the best for you then get more of that specific one. And as for the other ones, at least you have a deck of each in your collection.

Sep 1, 2007
Just wash your hands before you touch them and you'll be fine. I can go through a deck of bikes in two hours just by performing every few minutes.
Sep 1, 2007
The bottom-line:

It is in how you treat the deck of cards that defines its destiny.

Get harsh and it wont last a day. Take proper care and they will serve you long..............

Sep 1, 2007
So many mixed thoughts about this deck, i love the look but if they don't handle as well, its like dating a snob. Good looks, crap for brains. Then on the other hand I hear great things about them besides their look... AHHH....
Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
It's really all up to your preference. I was spoiled by UV500 airflow decks, and I can't seem to work well with anything other than them. Some people are freakishly good at sleights and XCM with regular bikes.

Shane K.
Sep 2, 2007
No offence to all you E'ers but if hear UV500 and guardians in the same sentace again I will trow my chair through my window.
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