how about a new sleight

Jan 10, 2014
so a while back I invented a new sleight. yes i invented a new sleight. i was really excited and always thought, man this is amazing people are going to love this and its going to become so famous. except now i feel bad. Ive performed this trick hundreds of times and only been caught twice, but i haven't taught anyone it, everyone constantly asks me how its down but i don't tell them. if enough people would download t or you guys would like me to put it on the the wire, i well and ill teach. here is how the trick works. your riffle through the deck and you ask the spectator to tell you when to stop, cut the deck wherever they say,(there's no pinky break and you legitimately PULL OF THE ENTIRE TOP HALF not leave 1 card behind) you cut the deck give them their card you know what it is so do whatever you want with it from there. it also isn't a false cut either. tell me what you guys think and i may put it on the wire (if you somehow discovered this slieght also then please dont opst n hte comment sections how its down)
Jun 8, 2012
Film it and submit it to the wire. The T11 team will watch it and if they like it they will put it up on the wire. If they don't think it's suitable, ie not original, badly priced, under-rehearsed or whatever, they will tell you and give you honest feedback on it. It's impossible to get an idea of the trick from your description, cause that sounds like a moveless force which obviously it can't be. If you don't want to put it on the wire, put a performance on youtube or the T11 media section so people know what they're looking at. Hope I helped :)
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
FYI. . . chances are you DO NOT have a "New" move. Be prepared to hear that!

Unless you've studied slight-of-hand for more than a decade, and only that niche, chances are great that your move already exists. This is typical and yes, even the seasoned old pros run into it; we're constantly reinventing the wheel and usually to our own chagrin. When it comes to true prestidigitation (magic with the fingers) it will be exceptionally difficult to come up with a new move. BUT, that does not mean you haven't come up with a new application for an old or even forgotten move.

Developing "New" Magic is rare in that most things are based on someone else's work or thinking. This is why magic retailers are so careful about what they say or show in a video when it comes to an effect; an experienced worker can usually see what's behind the piece and so, won't buy it. . . this is one of the reasons we've been inundated with people screaming about "ethics" and "copyright" issues over the past 20 years.
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