How often do you practice, routine,etc?

Apr 28, 2014
Just wandering about how often you guys practice and all, practice routines, etc. I tend to practice each new effect to learn the mechanics of it, mastering the technique. When I was in martial arts they stressed muscle memory, doing it until you don't have to consciously think about what you are doing. Then I start adding a routine around it, how to use it, etc. I tend to rate myself being very critical, and my wife does too. I rate myself on a 1 to 10 level on how I'm doing, not wanting to present it to people until I, and my wife (she's even more critical then I am) say it's at about a 8. How do you guys go about it?


Elite Member
Mar 11, 2013
I practice every day. Mainly because I always have a deck of cards with me. I might do homework and practice one handed shuffles since I can already do a lot of them without looking or thinking about it. But a new trick or routine, I will usually dedicate an hour or two a day until I feel I am good enough to show it to someone. I usually just show my girlfriend and if she thinks it is good, than it is good lol
Apr 27, 2014
I actually practice between 3-4 hours a day and i don't leave my deck at home, it is always carried. In addition, if i learn a new technique or something, first i practice it in front of the mirror or video camera after that i show it to my parents or my friends @ university. But don't think like that you do a move and it's OK, just practise and practise. Moreover, if i think that i'm very well at some magic routine, I perform it to strangers, new people. Then it gives me a lot of experiences, I think. That's all i want to say :)!


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I practice sleight of hand pretty much daily, but not for a set amount of time. I keep cards all around the house and practice when the mood strikes me.

But the majority of what I do cannot be practiced alone, only studied. I need an audience to get better at the things I do.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
Depends on what I'm working on and if other things get in the way of it. Sometimes I practice for a few hours a day and sometimes I do rehearsals with my scripts.
Apr 27, 2014
If you are educating at university or somewhere, you can do your tricks to them that you met or not. If you are married or you have a girlfriend, you do your tricks,fail or success doesn't matter. If you are success, you are OK but you can do best; if you are fail in your trick , just practise where you failed. Moreover don't afraid to fail , one day you success be sure ;))
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