I got on TV!

Okay villagers, lets put the pitch forks and torches away now. I don't think we need to burn anyone at the stake tonight.

I think we are all missing a really huge, big, and glaringly obvious point here. One of our own made it onto television and shared his talent and our world with the rest of the normal marks. We should be patting him on the back, not driving stakes through his heart. Good job kid. Keep it up.

As for citing Wayne in his performance isn't it obvious he was trying to do the right thing and give proper credit where it is due? He's not trying be all like "Oh look at me, I invented this." No. He presented an effect, and cited it's creator.

Was it wrong to give the actual name of the effect? Meh. It's a moot point. It's certainly no more offensive than half of you who post here's own personal performance videos. So go ahead, Let he who hath no sin cast the first stone.

I'm glad he cited Theory11 as a place to go and learn about getting into magic. With some of the forum contributors we have here such as Sinful, Steerpike, and others there's a really good chance any noobs that do come here because of his performance will get pointed down some right roads instead of flailing around in the dark like so many of us did when we first started.

Lastly why don't you all just let Wayne decide for himself if this one little performance was really that offensive to his label. Quit being an arm chair lawyer. God only knows the world has enough lawyers as it is, it doesn't need you to add to the numbers.

I said it once, I'll say it again. Good job kid. Keep it up.
totally agree....


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Okay villagers, lets put the pitch forks and torches away now. I don't think we need to burn anyone at the stake tonight.

I think we are all missing a really huge, big, and glaringly obvious point here. One of our own made it onto television and shared his talent and our world with the rest of the normal marks. We should be patting him on the back, not driving stakes through his heart. Good job kid. Keep it up.

As for citing Wayne in his performance isn't it obvious he was trying to do the right thing and give proper credit where it is due? He's not trying be all like "Oh look at me, I invented this." No. He presented an effect, and cited it's creator.

Was it wrong to give the actual name of the effect? Meh. It's a moot point. It's certainly no more offensive than half of you who post here's own personal performance videos. So go ahead, Let he who hath no sin cast the first stone.

I'm glad he cited Theory11 as a place to go and learn about getting into magic. With some of the forum contributors we have here such as Sinful, Steerpike, and others there's a really good chance any noobs that do come here because of his performance will get pointed down some right roads instead of flailing around in the dark like so many of us did when we first started.

Lastly why don't you all just let Wayne decide for himself if this one little performance was really that offensive to his label. Quit being an arm chair lawyer. God only knows the world has enough lawyers as it is, it doesn't need you to add to the numbers.

I said it once, I'll say it again. Good job kid. Keep it up.


Good for you for having the guts to approach the camera crew like that! If you can do that with success, then you will do great table hopping. A lot of the people here are not near that point. Good job. Post a link here if you find one (or at least pm me with it, if you don't want to get skewered alive) because I'd love to see it.

Oct 23, 2007
when one asks u how can one start out with magic, i usually say books, friends, dvds, never reveal the true source of where you learn magic from, as it gives the whole mystery of learning the art away.

although, u cant disagree on the fact it is awesome publicity for theory 11 and ellusionist.
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