I'm (sort of) back.


Jun 26, 2008
San Francisco, California
I picked up cards for the first time in a year last month, and it made me realize: I've spent a lot of money on playing cards.


<redacted, this was vomit-worthy>
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ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City

Glad to see you back and posting, and moreso happy to hear that magic has found its way back into your life (and hands). We certainly don't have two communities here. We're a part of one organic community, albeit composed of a consistently evolving collective. New life and new people have joined us, which is exciting as each new mind brings with it the possibility of refreshed creativity and a new approach.

I understand that everyone has their own lives outside of magic with school, family, friends, and work, so it's great to hear from you and a pleasure and a privilege to have you back. Onward and upward. Cheers!
Hello Benjamin, welcome back to the forums. I wasn't around with the first gen users like you were, but I am of the older group who frequent the boards, knows how to use proper English, and can sound more intelligent than an eight year old on occasions. I'm not that much of a card guy anymore, as I've turned to what I feel my calling is; Bizarre and Sideshow, but I'm here if you want to chat. I hope you find your stay among us new generation users enjoyable. It's always nice to have another voice of reason on the boards.

Wish you the best,
William Draven
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