Lee Asher's Continental Divide?

Jan 11, 2011
Hey guys. I recently saw a video of Lee Asher's Continental Divide, and I absolutely fell in love with it. After some digging around, I traced it back to issue 3 of something called Penumbra. I've never heard of that before, excuse my ignorance :confused: Anyway, does anyone know how I can get my hands on a copy? Thanks! :D

Feb 4, 2008
If you can't find a copy of that get his booklet on Pulp Friction. From watching that video it appeared as if the PF move was done in some way shape or form. He has, in my opinion, an even better oil and water using that move in which the spectator shuffles the cards into red black order. That one is called "Not Impressive and it can be found in "Hand Jobs."

So in short, go to his website and look into his "Pulp Friction" and his "Hand Jobs" booklets and that should get you started. Pulp Friction is a move that he has come up with many applications for. Unfortunately...I believe most of those are unpublished. Good luck in your quest.
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