Left eye lie Opinions?

Has anyone ever noticed someone looking towards your left eye when lying ? Do you believe this means

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Jan 28, 2016
Has anyone ever noticed someone looking towards your left eye when lying ? Do you believe this means they're lying ?

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
I have heard of this. It has to do with accessing a memory in a particular part of the brain that isn't there.

Although I have heard it's more of both eyes looking down and to the left (your right, if you're the one looking).

Not guaranteed though, I know someone who did the exact opposite (looked down and to the right, your left) when accessing a false memory.
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
This is an aspect of "Eye access cues". It can be reliable, but you have to understand how it works.

In general terms, someone will look upwards when accessing visual information, side to side when accessing auditory information, or down when accessing kinesthetic information. The problem is that those are general terms and not everyone does the same thing. What you want to do is pace them first by asking them to do something and watching the eyes. So if you say, "Think of a happy memory" their eyes will go a certain direction. You can be pretty sure that any time they are accessing genuine memories, that is what they will do. You can then ask them to make up a lie, and watch where their eyes go and pace that as well.

You can always just take the gamble and play the numbers that someone is going to conform to the norm, but you will eventually get caught up with that.
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