My Fox TV Appearance (mentalism)

And by thought you mean shamelessly self promoting. =p. Don't worry Benji I'd be doing the exact same thing to if I were you. Well done! I couldn't resist being the first to nudge an elbo to the rib before a pat on the back, all in the spirit of good fun.
Sep 13, 2011
London, UK
Benji, I've seen you a few times around the web now, and I have to say you seem like you're a superb performer. The way which you so effectively communicate with an audience is inspiring to see. I should maybe take some pointers, haha.

And congrats on being on TV!
Jan 29, 2008
Thanks ;)

I'll be performing for another channel next week and they want me to guess how much money is in their pocket so I'll post that video as well
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