New to the field - Stuck in my training

Apr 11, 2010
Hi guys, I'm very new to the field, I've only been into card magic for two months or so and I only get sporadic occasions to train, but I seem to have a problem with the very basic overhand shuffle.
Somehow, no matter how much I train and try to get over this, I can't seem to do it properly: when I lower the pack in my hand and pull a few card down with my thumb, when I lift the pack again, I'll often have a bunch of cars slide up and then fall or just mess up my shuffling rythm.
i don't know if the explanation is clear enough. I'd really like to get tips on how to not get that. At first I thought my cards were getting old and getting sticky or something but I also get this with new decks.

I'm also open to any random tip on the other basic techniques like how to do get the double lift done properly for example. I'm either lifting too many cards or when I pay attention to how many cards I take I'm being too slow. Riffling two cards is also very hard, I always jump down to four or five.

Thanks for your advice.
Jul 14, 2008
I know what you mean with the overhand shuffle. Have you picked up the Royal Road to Card Magic? It will help you everything for a begineer like you.

For the overhand shuffle, make you sure you relax your fingers. When executing the shuffle, make sure that your right hand simply drop small packet. With your left thumb, only a light touch.

For the double lift, try using a thumb count. Use your thumb to riffle down the deck will determine how many cards you need to. But, you may want to be careful, so misdirection is required. Or, you could do the pinky count.
Sep 3, 2008
Most likely you are pushing with your left thumb too much or too early. Try to have a light touch as said before and let the cards fall all the way down into the hand. Hope that helps.
Dec 7, 2009
Well this is a normal issue. Due to the lack of practice, and due to the lack of handling a deck of cards. Royal Road ! Is excelent for magic ! You may as well practice on just regular cuts. ( easy cuts charlier,revolution,thumb cut ..etc) this will make your hands use to decks. On double lifts; well try practicing getting a pinky count. Its less risky. Practice till muscle in your hands and fingers hahah !! :p :D
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
I'm going to go ahead and advocate the purchase of Jason England's 1-on-1 for the double lift. He goes over 4 great double lifts, one for sure doesn't need a break, and tons of advice on the double lift in general.

Royal Road is a great resource, I'd also look into getting Card College Volume 1. It starts with content similar to Royal Road and has many tips that help with the learning. Roberto Giobbi is an excellent card handler and magnificent teacher.

I think everyone has already answered the main question to your overhand shuffle. The right hand does most of the drop work, let the cards fall and then re-grip to keep the cards from slipping. Don't let go of the entire packet, but you'll loosen and then re-grip the tips of your right hand fingers.

I hope you get everything worked out-feel free to PM me if you have any further questions.
Apr 11, 2010
Thanks a lot guys, thats a lot of precious advice there.
I'll look into the materials and keep you updated on how it works for me.

About riffling witht the pinky, I've tried that a lot and it just gets me to force my hand into wierd positions where i'll just riffle ten cards at a time. I have very small hands, maybe this won't work for me. But I'll look into the different methods more deeply.
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