Hey =)
I've literally just this week been able to do the one-handed shuffle reasonably consistently, but I have to say the month off of school helped a lot!
Some tips I found helped me along the way:
- When breaking the packet into two, get your index finger right into the first knuckle./joint This'll help with the next part too.
- Make sure the top packet glides along your fingernail, that'll help stop you from getting the cards stuck to your finger and sending them everywhere when you get frustrated.
- Once you've extended your fingers to the proper position, extend them just a little bit more to help get the packets parallel making sure to keep the pinky at the end to block the cards from flying about.
- Make sure to keep the ends of the packets squared (your pinky will help) this will definitely help with the weaving.
- When weaving you'll want equal pressure from your thumb, pinky and ring finger to weave the packets together, at first go slow! Notice how some cards weave and some cards don't (because I guarantee you they won't at first
- Practice. Everyone hates hearing it when they first start to learn something, but it really is a necessity.
- Make sure you get as many tips as possible and watch the professionals to see how they do it!!
Remember: Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent. If you're practicing the wrong thing you'll be great at doing it wrong, but it'll never be right; so make sure you read through the tips that YOU find help to get the result.
I know not everyone will agree with that last bit, but it's something a school teacher told us and it's stuck in my head ever since, because I do believe it's true. Hope my tips can help you a little.
- Seany