One Handed Shuffle Advice

Sep 1, 2007
Okay, first off, I want to say I'm not using small hands as a wimpy excuse. But my hands simply aren't big enough to pull this off. People just say practice, but there is literally no way to practice making my hands bigger. I'm already using bridge cards for xcm, and I really want to be able to do this move. Any suggestions?
Sep 1, 2007
Las Vegas
Hands have nothing to do with it, Im 13 and have tiny hands yet I can do it. Just keep practising and also practise other flourishes to get your hands to stretch. Keep at it and don't give up
Sep 1, 2007
I couldn't get that this shuffle for a while, so i decided to do a stretch that would allow me to put 2 packets in my palm and fingers. Stretch your fingers as much as you can, if you can get the cards to weave with 2 hands then you should be able ot get them to weave with 1 hand. after you can do that practice practice practice
Sep 2, 2007
It genuinely isn't small hands. I found it impossible to do a one-hand shuffle when I started out and I blamed my hands too, but now I'm well on the way to being able to do Richard Turner's longitudinal one-hand shuffle. What I did to stretch my fingers out was walk around with a full deck of cards jammed between my index and middle fingers. It hurt a bit to start off with, but after a week or so, it started to feel like a natural position to hold cards in and my one-hand shuffling career was born.

I've found this to be a good practice method for a lot of "knuckle-busting" moves. If you get used to holding cards stationary in the positions required by the cut or whatever, then it's easier to add in the transitions from position to position later, rather than trying to get the movement down first.
Sep 1, 2007
as long as u can hold a package between your thumb and index and index and middle u can do this, there are how ever effects that are really difficult when u have a small hand like one handed hindo shuffle etc.
Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
Hey =)

I've literally just this week been able to do the one-handed shuffle reasonably consistently, but I have to say the month off of school helped a lot! :p

Some tips I found helped me along the way:

- When breaking the packet into two, get your index finger right into the first knuckle./joint This'll help with the next part too.

- Make sure the top packet glides along your fingernail, that'll help stop you from getting the cards stuck to your finger and sending them everywhere when you get frustrated.

- Once you've extended your fingers to the proper position, extend them just a little bit more to help get the packets parallel making sure to keep the pinky at the end to block the cards from flying about.

- Make sure to keep the ends of the packets squared (your pinky will help) this will definitely help with the weaving.

- When weaving you'll want equal pressure from your thumb, pinky and ring finger to weave the packets together, at first go slow! Notice how some cards weave and some cards don't (because I guarantee you they won't at first :p)

- Practice. Everyone hates hearing it when they first start to learn something, but it really is a necessity.

- Make sure you get as many tips as possible and watch the professionals to see how they do it!!

Remember: Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent. If you're practicing the wrong thing you'll be great at doing it wrong, but it'll never be right; so make sure you read through the tips that YOU find help to get the result.

I know not everyone will agree with that last bit, but it's something a school teacher told us and it's stuck in my head ever since, because I do believe it's true. Hope my tips can help you a little.

- Seany
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Sep 1, 2007
good tips Seany. i would add "use new cards" if you can and also try adjusting your grip for better leverage when weaving.

move your pointer (first finger) a little further down from the top after breaking the two packets. so it's more towards the middle of the packets (rather than the top)

try to do a PERFECT weave when you're learning this move and you'll be able to do the one-handed giant fan some day :) in my opinion the hardest most impressive move in XCM today.
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