Reverse // Old Concept, Modern Approach


Mar 6, 2008
hehe i missposted
i was talking about the pass in the other topic
im pretty sure i mentioned i was talking about the pass too
maybe somebody edited it out
which happens a lot
im not a big fan of these ghost edits
its creepy
Sep 1, 2007
San Francisco, CA
hehe i missposted
i was talking about the pass in the other topic
im pretty sure i mentioned i was talking about the pass too
maybe somebody edited it out
which happens a lot
im not a big fan of these ghost edits
its creepy

I think when you said 'pass' a mod thought you were exposing the effect so he/she edited the post. Just to clear things up to everybody, there is no pass used in this effect.

hehe i missposted
i was talking about the pass in the other topic
im pretty sure i mentioned i was talking about the pass too
maybe somebody edited it out
which happens a lot
im not a big fan of these ghost edits
its creepy

It was Jack who edited your post, it says so underneath your post.

Well, it looks like some people have taking a liking to pointing out every flaw in the effect. It's not perfect by any means, and yes it's dragged out. I could do an effect that takes 5 seconds and you get instant-gratification and the effect is very easily adaptable to fit those needs.

But, a lot of you are right and there is a lot of unnecessary movements and I've conceived an alternate handling based on all of your opinions. Albeit it kinda harsh, I appreciate your thoughts.



Mar 6, 2008
i dont see _anything_ below or above or anywhere near my post on saying who edited it
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