Saturday Night Contest - Batter Up - November 1, 2008

Jun 7, 2008
DC area
The results are in, and here's the dizzle. We each had 3 practice swings, then 11 that counted. The original counts were 5 / 11 for each of us - which impressed us both given the fact that neither of us had held a bat in about a decade.

Nobody in this thread guessed 5 / 11 for both of us, though, and upon further analysis of the video, Andrei skimmed the ball on one of his swings - putting him just barely over the edge at 6/11. Andrei wins by 1, and sky_lark - you take home the prize!

Video will be posted within the next hour or so...

i was off by one also though


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Video is almost done. At the end of the video, we show Bryant (from t11 support) having a go at it. Just for fun - any prediction as to how many he hit? The number is astonishing.
{[{ searchResultsCount }]} Results