Saturday Night Contest - Objectry Challenge


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Today is Saturday, which means it's time for this week's Saturday Night Contest. Next week's will be magic themed, but this week we wanted to revel in the cardistry in honor of our latest theory11 artist and 1-on-1 release of Backpack by Andrei Jikh last night.

The challenge tonight comes directly from an idea sent in by one of you, and here it is: objectry: the nonmagical manipulation of fruits, vegetables, bread, and/or any other object that isn't playing cards. Tonight's challenge is to create a short video of you performing cardistry moves without using cards. All other objects (as long as they're safe) are fair game. Think outside the (card) box.

Videos must be uploaded in response to this thread, and all videos should be uploaded to Vimeo, Eatlime (recommended due to ultrafast encoding time), Youtube, or other major video sharing site. Videos must be posted as a link on or before 11:00pm EST. Limit of one video per member.

Winners will be judged based on creativity and overall impact by theory11, with winners posted on or before midnight EST. What's up for grabs? Backpack, the latest 1-on-1 release from the mind of Andrei Jikh, or your choice of any other 1-on-1 at theory11.

Good luck to all - looking forward to seeing some great submissions.

Deleted member 2755

My camera is out. :( Oh well, I look forward to seeing the entries for these! :D

Jun 21, 2008
i cant believe that only this many people plan on participating. usually its about 13 pages worth of submissions. i guess this means its easy for some of us who never win (mwah)

anyways good luck to all, ill post my submission soon

im using flipsides !!!

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