Saturday Night Contest: Superbowl Prediction v3

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Team member
Oct 25, 2011
Los Angeles
Hope everyone is having a great weekend! This time last year, something truly incredible happened. Beauty and the Beast came out in 3D. Just kidding. But seriously - this time last year, we held our second annual Superbowl Prediction. Tonight will be the third.

The challenge tonight is simple: predict the results of the Superbowl 2013. Tomorrow afternoon, the San Francisco 49ers play the Baltimore Ravens, and more importantly, Beyonce will totally rock the half-time show. The contest is to predict the winner and the score.

The FIRST person to correctly predict the winner and the score will win. If no one is correct, then the prize will go to whoever is closest. Either way, someone WILL win. Our winner will be determined tomorrow night after the game ends. Your entry should look similar to this: Ravens will win 38-17.

Deadline for predictions is tomorrow at 6:00pm EST. Limit of ONE prediction per member, so make it count. After your prediction is entered, it cannot be changed (we'll be checking!), so think carefully before posting your final prediction.

What's up for grabs? Per tradition, the winner will receive a football signed by theory11, as well as a mixed brick of our three latest decks: Artisans, Animal Kingdom, and Love Me! If you need some inspiration, you can check out the site below to reference past year scores:

Good luck, everyone!



Elite Member
Mar 3, 2012
I have no idea who is in the SuperBowl as I'm in the UK...although I wish I had a SuperBowl Sunday party to go to...

Anyway, here's a random guess!

Ravens: 28 49ers: 24

Let's go Ravens! Woo...
(I don't even know what that means or what I just predicted)
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