Saturday Night Contest - The Magic-Con All Star Roundtable Discussion

I find myself disgusted that the SNCs that offer 6 decks of cards have twice to three times as many replies as one giving you the oppurtunity to have your questions answered by the best minds in modern magic. What a dissapointment. This was an amazing oppurtunity and people should have taken advantage of it. Whatever, it's their loss.


I felt similarly, but also a bit hypocritical because I did not post a question. Personally, I didn't ask a question because I am so new into the magic scene that I did not feel I had anything worth asking, whether it be already answered in some source or just plain out of place. Hopefully next year this opportunity will be presented and I'll be that much more knowledgeable on magic and the artists themselves and will be able to ask a question without worrying as such.
Dec 18, 2009
I felt similarly, but also a bit hypocritical because I did not post a question. Personally, I didn't ask a question because I am so new into the magic scene that I did not feel I had anything worth asking, whether it be already answered in some source or just plain out of place. Hopefully next year this opportunity will be presented and I'll be that much more knowledgeable on magic and the artists themselves and will be able to ask a question without worrying as such.

Ah, I see. You're excused then ;). I suppose some people may have their reasons for not posting. Everyone else though....:mad:


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Yeah, I couldn't come up with any good questions, and I didn't want to post lame ones. It is my sincere hope, though, that I get to attend Magic Con next year. Fingers crossed. This seems like an amazing event.
Aug 31, 2007
Guy Hollingworth: On your debut of the t.v. show The World's Greatest Magic, you finished your "Twisting the Aces" effect by turning the four kings into aces; I was wondering if you ever released that handling to the community, since you didn't include it in your book Drawing Room Deceptions.

I believe he taught this in his lecture at Magic-Con.

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