Saturday Night Contest - The Vintage Dating Game


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Gooooood evening. Tonight we hold a different kind of Saturday Night Contest. This one's a fun one. The topic tonight is history. At theory11 we place great emphasis on instruction of not only what we teach, but the often interesting history thereof. Usually, that history is only about tricks and moves and sleights. Tonight, it's about playing cards.

Over the past century, there have been hundreds of playing card designs printed. But it wasn't always that way. When USPCC began, there were only a select few designs to debut every few years. It was a delicate process.

Below this text are three vintage designs that were printed sometime between 1850 and 1950. An original deck of any of these three would be very hard to come by now, but they're interesting to see and cool to look at.

The challenge tonight is to figure out the date that each of the below designs were first issued. You can submit THREE sets of guesses total, and each set should look like this:

Deck A: 1900 | Deck B: 1901 | Deck C: 1902

The dates in the example above are random and should not be inferred to be a clue. Once again, you can submit THREE sets of guesses tonight, and all submissions should be posted between now and 11:00pm EST in response to THIS forum thread.

Jason England and Chris Kenner, you are disqualified because you know too much and you're dangerous and you have ninja hands. Everyone else - good luck. Winner tonight takes home the 1-on-1 of your choice, sent on the house. If no one guesses correctly, the member who gets the closest will win. If no one is even remotely close tonight, we'll post a hint or two along the way.

UPDATE : We have a winner! See the correct results here.


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