Selective Respect

I couldn't agree more on several points made by the both of you though and it seems that there is an underlying misunderstanding to the degree of respect you guys have and that's what makes this such a great argument. I want to thank you guys for demonstrating how you can have a discussion or debate without merely beating each other to death with just bickering till the other rolls over to agree. I believe with the maturity of the discussion shown here is something I think we can all learn something from.

In response to all the lated bickering thats been going around.

Aug 31, 2007
Who would have thought that the simple notion of having respect for each other could spark such a lot of debate?

Tyler, I think your dictionary definition is a little bit away from the everyday useage of the word "respect". I have respect for absolutely everybody until they demonstrate that they don't deserve it. If there's room for doubt, I lean towards giving them the benefit. Admiration, honour, esteem...these are not really words I think about when I think about this basic level of respect. So perhaps we have a communication problem; I certainly don't hold "big name magicians" to the level of respect that you're talking about - I don't admire Jay Sankey because of the volume of tricks he has put out (which does include some absolute gems!). I do respect him as a creative, entertaining magician though (and even if I don't find him entertaining, there are clearly audiences who do, which is the point).

The attitude that "respect must be earned" is a good one, yet everyone is due a basic level of respect which means we don't be rude about them or their work, we don't make baseless assumptions - especially not in writing in public (there's a nasty word for that...)!

Perhaps a better word for what I'm trying to express is "common courtesy" towards a fellow human being. In addition, the more open minded you can be, the more you can learn - and maybe one day you will be well known enough for people who have no idea who you really are to be rude about you on a public discussion forum! Of course, you won't care - after all, what do they know?

Your notion of respect seems to stem from the notion of basic respect of other people just for being. They are people too, that is. This warrants treating people with respect, yes, BUT this does not mean people should be immune to criticism.

I respect peoples rights, and that they should be treated decently, and with "respect," but when they show that they don't deserve it anymore, that throws that assumption out the window.

Peoples "rights" do not mean we should not hold people to a standard.
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