Simple Card Trick to Teach A Friend

Sep 3, 2007
Those who can't do, teach.
Those who can't teach, teach gym.


Ok, I remember somewhere there was something about Brad Christian recommending that you start about performing a trick by saying that you're just starting.

This statement lowers their expectations so when you do something amazing they are caught off guard. It also shows them that you are showing them a skill that you have to practice.

I use a line with a similar effect whenever I throw the 3 Card Monte. So they think they have the upperhand.

I think your Santa analogy is wrong. In the back of their mind, the specs know there is an answer but if you're good they forget about that and just enjoy themselves. I believed in Santa Claus.

However, Penn and Teller and Derren Brown already have credibility and prestige. That's the reason they have paying audiences.
Mar 29, 2008
One addition aznofspades - I see people overuse this - let me teach you concept - as they never really teach anything. This is okay once, but in a multifphase effect, there is a point where people say - hey jerkface, you aren't teaching me anything!

The reason DB and P and T can use this is - they ARE actually teaching something, but use that to cover an effect unrelated or related but an extension. You get my point...OR DO YOU!?

Sep 3, 2007
Yea I know what you mean.

The Sucker Torn and Restored Napkin in Mark Wilson's Course. Everything you teach them is completely legit, but in the end when you restore the switched pieces, its kinda like an "Expert Version" (term Criss Angel used after he revealed the Saltshaker through table trick and then visually pushed it thru the table)

or like when Gazzo tips the cups and balls to cover the final loads.

I'm talking about legitimately teaching him a Key Card trick. And then, if he gets really good at it, teaching him Do as I Do.
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