The Clip Shift?

Dec 5, 2007

I have been working on the clip shift since it was released and i have some problems with it.

After i have done the clip, the card sticks out to much over my hand, and i have no idea of what im doing wrong.

Anyone else had this problem?

If anyone has any advice could someone please PM me?

Dec 5, 2007
I was hoping someone over here could help me out.

I was over at Dananddave and i guess im not cool enough to hang there since people were not very helpfull and told me how much you suck because your having problems flashing such an easy move as the clip shift, and if you dont understand the dvd, no one can help you. lol
Sep 20, 2008
though i wouldve done the same (direct you to that, i think its quite weird that they acted that way. it seems highly unlikely that DnD members would be aggressive towards someone who needed help.


anyways, i think chad nelson went through angle issues in the Dvd, if you need more help on angles try watching some videos on youtube of clip shifts. (like Jordan lapping's, not just some random youtuber lol)

the Clip+shift part, Chad goes through that in detail in his dvd =D
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