The Mentabusking Diary


What i'm setting out to do is in the course of a month try to busk as much as i can. Using mainly mentalism for the cause.

Let it be noted that in my country there is noone else doing this as of yet. Also our people are not used to this kind of performing. Thirdly the fact is that the street im performing in has a minimal amount of people passing through. Which means that money making is seriously doubtful. But it's the experience that counts.

I shall be keeping a diary in this very thread to show you how and what is actually going on. Also my goal is to get back the bus tickets from my home to the city.
Also i would like to get a percent of my props cost back. Meaning that every envelope i tear should be compensated.

This is going to be hard and i'm not going to hold back on the comments i will be getting.

Special thanks to William Draven for the idea. He did something similar a while back but due to school i could not take the challenge. Now equipped with a busking lincense and tonight to get a decent enough act together and head out tomorrow is on my mind.

Also i will be actively tweeting the experience so if anyone at all wants to know the details live then my twitter is: .

That should be it.
Wish me luck!
Apr 5, 2009
Good luck Mikk!! recently i've contemplated some busking type things! Flea Markets!! and Craft Fairs! its the closest thing i have to foot traffic here!
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
Why do so many magicians want to ruin mentalism, what did it ever do to you?

I'm not saying that can't perform mentalism on the street, just that there are right ways and wrong ways and from what I've seen over the past five or so years, most of it is being done wrong... individuals who approach it in the same way they would magic tricks, attempting to hustle things just as they would doing the Sidewalk Shuffle.

Mentalism requires a reason for your patrons to "believe" otherwise the demonstration will be viewed as being nothing more than a magic trick and you will be seen as being nothing more than a magician. The end result is, you get laughed at for trying to act like a "Psychic" or some sort of "expert" (behind your back) and mentalism becomes tarnished... you've ruined things for others who "respect" that art a bit more, understanding it not as being "tricks" but vehicles that can be ridden to a miraculous encounter.

In my PSYCHIC TECHNOLOGIES manual I have a section dedicated to the idea of doing Mentalism in a sidewalk type setting; the consensus shared by the majority of seasoned pros being the same as my own... use it as a way to lure people into something "deeper" that requires a "call to action"... a commitment by them into what you're doing. In other words, it's a sales hook.

One of the oldest hustles for street mentalism is the Horoscope pitch; you use a Swami and tic-card to make the connection and then, a few minutes of cold reading later, get them to buy a zodiac scroll, life charts, etc.

UNDERSTAND: the "Old School" mode of Mentalism, even within the auspices of things ethical, honest, honorable, etc. still used Back of Room Sales (BORS)... just check out what Docc Hilford, Stephan Minch, Richard Webster and even Kenton Knepper have put out on this topic. With this in mind you can see that the hustle ain't related to being a charlatan... just relatively close to the same :p

Mentalism is filled with "Pitch Book" products so when you want to "busk" then have a means of using the effort in a way that promotes you while salvaging the art and side-stepping the aforementioned pit falls. ;)
Why do so many magicians want to ruin mentalism, what did it ever do to you?

I'm not saying that can't perform mentalism on the street, just that there are right ways and wrong ways and from what I've seen over the past five or so years, most of it is being done wrong... individuals who approach it in the same way they would magic tricks, attempting to hustle things just as they would doing the Sidewalk Shuffle.

Mentalism requires a reason for your patrons to "believe" otherwise the demonstration will be viewed as being nothing more than a magic trick and you will be seen as being nothing more than a magician. The end result is, you get laughed at for trying to act like a "Psychic" or some sort of "expert" (behind your back) and mentalism becomes tarnished... you've ruined things for others who "respect" that art a bit more, understanding it not as being "tricks" but vehicles that can be ridden to a miraculous encounter.

In my PSYCHIC TECHNOLOGIES manual I have a section dedicated to the idea of doing Mentalism in a sidewalk type setting; the consensus shared by the majority of seasoned pros being the same as my own... use it as a way to lure people into something "deeper" that requires a "call to action"... a commitment by them into what you're doing. In other words, it's a sales hook.

One of the oldest hustles for street mentalism is the Horoscope pitch; you use a Swami and tic-card to make the connection and then, a few minutes of cold reading later, get them to buy a zodiac scroll, life charts, etc.

UNDERSTAND: the "Old School" mode of Mentalism, even within the auspices of things ethical, honest, honorable, etc. still used Back of Room Sales (BORS)... just check out what Docc Hilford, Stephan Minch, Richard Webster and even Kenton Knepper have put out on this topic. With this in mind you can see that the hustle ain't related to being a charlatan... just relatively close to the same :p

Mentalism is filled with "Pitch Book" products so when you want to "busk" then have a means of using the effort in a way that promotes you while salvaging the art and side-stepping the aforementioned pit falls. ;)

I understand your point of view and i have taken that into consideration. Not after youve written it up but i thought about it when my busking idea came.

My goal is not to go and busk for money but to gain some kind of expierience. You see the fact is in the course of say a half a year i have had 1 gig. Now think about that. Want to know how much effort i've put into being noticed?

In the course of 6 months i've gotten 15 e-mails and a few calls about getting me to perform, the problem is there are 13 professional magicians in our country of 1,3 million. Which means that almost every gig invitation i got, got turned down because someone offered a smaller price.

This "busking" type of deal i'm trying to do here is bring the real essence of mentalism and try to adapt it to the street. I have a solid foundation on what challenges there are and that many have tried before. But i like to learn things the hard way. Also this is sort of a tribute because the way i have evolved is due to street. Over a 7 month course i did street magic for 5 months. That means i went on the streets for five months straight. Every day. The 2 months that is short of seven months was all the failed attempts to perform and the times we couldnt make it.

I evolved due to constant criticism strikes. And because i currently have no way of practicing mentalism(as you know mentalism can only be practiced infront of a live audience to see how to connect). This idea came to mind.

There will always be those who don't like the idea, heck i'm going to say it, i don't like the idea and would probably say to someone else that don't do it. But in the struggle to get to my goals and be a professional mentalist i have to practice, and currently i only see this as a way to do that.

Thanks for the text!
Really good in heart and gives a perspective of why this is a train towards disaster. I appreciate your efforts!
Also if you would like to discuss this further i would be happy to do it over PM.

Best of wishes,
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA

That's exactly what my manual is about and why I mention some of the things noted in the above.

My style of work for most of the past 15 years or so, has always been "real"... that is to say, I take a heavy shaman-like approach to things and present most of the mentalism stuff I do in the vein of being uncanny phenomena as well as natural manifestations that we label in ways that aren't exactly accurate. This is especially so when it comes to the "theme" if you would, I've used for years; the idea of Intuition being the real psychic secret -- how the subconscious mind processes data that we aren't directly aware of and in some people, this is expressed in ways seemingly miraculous and yet, "everyone can do it".

Unlike most, my objective is NOT to make people feel stupid for believing in this or anything actually... THAT'S NOT MY JOB NOR IS IT AN OBLIGATION. My job is to entertain and in the process, stimulate my patrons into the labor of thinking and, all going well, recognizing that their may be some very down to earth answers to what they believe and how they view it. The message, as it were, is very passive and non-threatening.

When it comes to getting the gigs I'll simply echo what Webster, Minch, Earle, Riggs and many, many others will tell you... "People don't want to pay to see a fake psychic..."

If you are clinging to "the company line" that's so popular with all the Derrenite followers, you won't work! That is, unless you want to market yourself under the same limited banner every other magic act uses, shooting to work in those markets that are already over saturated by guys doing more or less the same stuff you're doing. If you want to work and at least pay your bills doing what you enjoy doing, take a deep breath and jump on the short bus to the Old School way of working Mentalism... this will open the door to the Home Party Market along side 101 other venues our ardent skeptic type haven't only locked themselves out of, they've nailed the bloody door shut.

If you don't want to do the New Age "Spooky Psychic" type role look at the alternatives that are out there; Graphology, Art Interpretation, Suggestion... there are many non-spooky, more psychologically slanted modes of performance BUT, which "theme" or "claim" is going to prove the more popular and most lucrative? I know guys that have done little other than hand writing analysis shows for 25 years and made an exceptional living working private parties and small exhibition type arenas (local festivals, etc.) Enrique Enriquez does a wonderful program in Art Galleries translating (reading) the art work done by students and how it reveals their personality. . . and there are other, similar approaches you can take. But, there is also a reason why Horoscope and Palm Reading type party themes are even more popular and once you get the ball rolling, more lucrative... a thing of growing demand.

Yes, there is a price to be paid with either of these routes; one will give you a greater sense of access to corporate gigs, lecture dates in schools, etc. while the other opens doors towards doing a greater amount of "counseling" type tasks, workshops, psychic fairs, and so on. Both can help sustain your "stage show" persona but you must be very careful when you do a stage type presentation, insuring that what you do there doesn't cause harm to your alternative work -- REPUTATION IS EVERYTHING! If you are sincere, down to earth, humble and holding to your role as that Graphologer or Taroist, or whatever, then you best continue that image form the stage and do material that perpetuates the who & what you claim to be. It's this level of consistency that will open doors and give you the support you require for moving further along the vocational path.

All of this is what my Psychic Technologies book is all about; marketing yourself as a working mentalist/bizarrist within your own community region (within 3-4 hours driving time from your home).
Graig, the info in the text is not to be given out so publicly :).
This is my sort of psychological turf right now. As i am only 16 currently my goal is to get as much radiation, if you want, from public performances.

In my mind i have no set character right now, due to my hormones springing like crazy. Due to this i have set myself at a level where i try to set the minds of people to be at a level where everything can happen. I have yet to choose my way of performing(not to say i am not aware of what i am).

I tend to be a psychic and thats what i am shooting for atm. I have no specialty(as of yet, but the idea of a palmist is the best shot). I read a lot about this type of stuff and i am very keen on learning every angle of the whole business before i make my move. My goal right now is to get as much real life experience as i can. To say the least due to this wish i have made tremendous leaps to make my dreams happen(eg. gathering 1 000$ to do a 1 hour show at a local theater, this is how serious i am). The past half a year or more i have devoted myself on characters and performance psychology. Now i´ve slowly started leaping towards learning effects that suit me and my living self.

I am not a typical mentalist per-say. I tend to be a living breathing optimist on stage, shooting jokes and being the charmer i am. Trying to connect with people on a basic street talk level. Eg. not saying difficult words and generally being a bit naughty while laughing my as* off on stage. Thats what i think sets me apart. I try to bring life into theater by making everyone see that no matter what you should be who you are.(a difficult lesson i got while trying to be like Max Maven. A smartass who is smart and a kind of darker person)

I see myself currently knowing much more how to perform but it´s in my head and i can´t get it out. Thats why i need to take my skills that i have learned on the streets with talking to friends and adapt them to my stage set.(to explain i have taken psychological data from books of Max Maven, Paul Brook, Banachek and many more and taken them in like a sponge and shooting them out testing them on my daily basis. )

I try to take myself to new hights and im trying to make myself as unique as possible. It´s a slow progress but i still have a bit of time. Today my family tomorrow Vegas is what i like to think.

Anyway, hope this made sense and gave a little back alley info on me.
Also i´d be greatful if you´d not talk about your book too much. It´s against the rules to market stuff on here. But if you have anything more to add please do, im finding this very useful in my quest :).

Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
In my mind i have no set character right now, due to my hormones springing like crazy. Due to this i have set myself at a level where i try to set the minds of people to be at a level where everything can happen. I have yet to choose my way of performing (not to say i am not aware of what i am).

I tend to be a psychic and that’s what i am shooting for atm. I have no specialty (as of yet, but the idea of a palmist is the best shot). I read a lot about this type of stuff and i am very keen on learning every angle of the whole business before i make my move. My goal right now is to get as much real life experience as i can. To say the least due to this wish i have made tremendous leaps to make my dreams happen (eg. gathering 1 000$ to do a 1 hour show at a local theater, this is how serious i am).


Unlike the majority of young people in your age group you seem to have your mind rather focused even though you may not believe such. When it comes to how you see yourself (as a “Psychic”) you are to be commended, this is a huge step in what I consider to be the “right” direction; it is the old school way of doing things. That said I need to ask you one question; “Why do you want to rent out a theater?”

I can understand when it comes to our “need” as a showman to want to work that big stage, but given your already expressed thinking, what do you hope to achieve from the stage?

No, I’m not trying to rob you of your vision, just encouraging you to think a bit and perhaps consider an alternative plan; to continue saving your cash with self-promotion in mind but holding off on taking the action until you’ve completed the first leg of this journey – getting some experience under you. Not just performance time but life experience as well as education based experience as well i.e. college.

If “show biz” is the direction you wish to take then formal education should obviously include “Theater” in some capacity as should “Marketing” believe it or not. But, you are already selling yourself as a “Psychic” and as such you owe it to yourself, the art and your audiences to get some solid footing. That means courses in Psychology as well as Parapsychology. This is a step I so wish I’d taken back when I was in your age group, it would have made things work so much smoother in life, but in this case you have the opportunity to learn from an old guy’s experiences and take the higher path.

I am not a typical mentalist per-say. I tend to be a living breathing optimist on stage, shooting jokes and being the charmer i am; Trying to connect with people on a basic street talk level. Eg. not saying difficult words and generally being a bit naughty while laughing my as* off on stage. That’s what i think sets me apart. I try to bring life into theater by making everyone see that no matter what you should be who you are.(a difficult lesson i got while trying to be like Max Maven. A smartass who is smart and a kind of darker person)

I’d highly recommend that you brush up on your John Riggs, Bob Cassidy and Lee Earle reading. Each of these guys do exactly what you’re talking about. Commercially it is very sound and I’ll go one step further… Mental Magic is far more commercial than Mentalism, simply because it’s “safe”. That is to say, when you toss in a few corn-filled bits of business, blending them with some of the more “real” feeling material, you become a genuine commodity that corporate head hunters like. You offer just enough “Magic Show” feel to things to make them comfortable and too, this step adds production value to your act.

As a recovering Illusionist I still love the idea of production value in a show (otherwise the shows become too boring), so I will add bits that are quite grand when doing stage; everything from the “Blizzard” of Copperfield fame to creating an Italian Renaissance Palace on stage as part of the backdrop to a “$50.00” trick; so there IS a very valuable/practical factor here.

Being Yourself is likewise “vital” when it comes to doing an effective act of this nature. Rarely will you find success in a performer that denies this side of presence. When we try to be a “character” (especially without proper training and coaching) we come off as a parody at best. Character creation requires considerable time, discipline and the willingness to evolve. Think of it as you would creating a character for D&D or similar FRPG… you have a vision but roll of the die is what creates the actual entity. Life and show biz are the same thing.

I see myself currently knowing much more how to perform but it´s in my head and i can´t get it out.
That’s why God created Script Writers & Directors

I try to take myself to new hights and im trying to make myself as unique as possible. It´s a slow progress but i still have a bit of time. Today my family tomorrow Vegas is what i like to think.

Again, you are showing the “right” mind-set. You’re being realistic.

Also i´d be greatful if you´d not talk about your book too much. It´s against the rules to market stuff on here.

It’s not my intention to be “marketing” anything, just offering a reference. I’ll refer folks to any resource I can (and am aware of) when it comes to giving them a resource that may aid them in their quest to get to a specific destination. It just happened that your thinking and “need” leant heavily upon what I’ve already penned… call it coincidence if you would. You will find that I tend to promote Bob Cassidy and Richard Webster material far more than anything I’ve written.
Thank you :).

To talk about the theater it's a 200 people little stage which is on the same level as the ground. It's not a biiiig theater stage. It's a nice small stage where i can do my stuff.

Thanks for all the help man, really love it!

Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
Personally I prefer intimate rooms like or smaller. I can safely say that when I was still doing a floor/stage show, my typical audience rarely exceeded 50 and it was on purpose; it makes the experience more "personable" in the mind of the patrons and allows us to better connect with them. The kind of rapport you can establish under these conditions is pure dynamite [SUGGESTION: I believe it was Chris Carey that penned a book about making your audience your friend, it's a valuable read when you are looking at a show like this]

One thing that most that have jumped onto the Mentalism Bandwagon in the past decade, tend to focus on Derren Brown or Banachek... the idea of a big stage show. In truth, most Mentalists did nothing other than private parties and local "talks" for various churches and civic groups (which is where they got that 100+ audience factor). This is just one point where the psychological approach to mentalism contrasts starkly against how the typical entertainer/magician operates. If you''re ok being a novelty act and essentially seen as a "bottom feeder" in the eyes of most talent buyers and production companies then cling on to this route of action. On the other hand, if you want to have a flexible income flow that comes in from several (vs. one or two) sources... well, keeping things small, personable and "fun" is where you want to go... just ask Jerome Finley or Richard Webster.

Think of it as you would a line of dominoes... you tip over the first one and they all start to fall into place. When you focus on "local", intimate performances and the support skills associated with that, everything else falls into place with relative little effort... IF YOU'RE GOOD AT THE JOB AND WILLING TO BE PICKY.

I've already given away far too much information for free but if you wish to discuss things PM me ;)
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