The "Think of a card" situation

May 14, 2017
Goodmorning from Greece!!!
I found a page in internet about psycology and magic.
It had an article about the "think of a card" situation. There was and a table presenting the cards that people mostly think or choose..
So is this real? Can you use it as a tool in your routines? Or its something subjective and you have to avoid it?


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
You can use statistics to make educated guesses on what people will choose. You can also use statistics and some psychological nudging to push them towards choosing some of the more common selections. It takes some confidence and skill with knowing how people think, though, and it's strongly advised you have backup plans because you'll never get that to be 100% reliable.
Apr 13, 2018
This is what mentalist call psychological forces.Banachek and Jon Thompson have written good books about this.they are not 100%, so you must have 'outs'.
Aug 15, 2017
Goodmorning from Greece!!!
I found a page in internet about psycology and magic.
It had an article about the "think of a card" situation. There was and a table presenting the cards that people mostly think or choose..
So is this real? Can you use it as a tool in your routines? Or its something subjective and you have to avoid it?
I remember when I had started to use such statistics a LOT. And well, there were some fails...but I had plan B' , yay.

I'd prefer not to use them anymore (for the time being, atleast...) simply because I want to be SURE that I will be 100% correct (unless the spectator turns out to be the spawn of the Devil) so that I can focus most of my energy towards presentation.

If you are interested in statistics however, first read the several articles here on internet about them. They are free and are present in the public domain. HOWEVER, they are not really known among the laymen or even, SOME magicians, because this is not something people use a lot.

Then, after figuring out whether you really like it or not, buy a book or DVD.
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