
that makes alot of sense. the one about the interviews and such... maybe it will be interviews with t11 celebs such as richard and kev ho. And I am sorry that this is repeated weekly, I did a search and nothing came up.
Sep 2, 2007
And I am sorry that this is repeated weekly, I did a search and nothing came up.
Don't worry about it.

There's was a thread a while back about a possible weekly theory11 podcast, or something along those lines, and some thought that could be The.Wire. Or, as Anthony Bass mentioned in a previous thread, it could just be a digital metal wire. No one know what it is, except for a select, lucky few. And they probably don't know either. :D

It's all conjecture -- up to our imagination -- and that's where the fun lies. :)


The Wire Section looks great and works just fine for me.

I love all the cool information on there and the unique way you can trace the originator of a new Wire.

I love the way the Videos are perfectly merged with each wire and you can link your video to the wire for some feedback.

This is the best section of the site.

T11 did say they will only allow the best to have access to this area, so I am not sure who else can see it.

I Love It.
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