theory11.bulletin : {dg} LIVE EVENT - TONIGHT at 6pm EST


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
30 minutes remaining... Side note... we may or may not be showing a sneak peak of SYMPHONY in the live chat discussion... not gunna rule it out...
Very awesome stuff. A couple things could be improved, but there's always next time. Thanks. :)

EDIT: Pretty sure I'm going to buy it, but just to be prepared, is there an estimate of the price? Sorry if this has already been brought up.

Jan 13, 2008
Ohh, one of my questions was answered! Neat. :) I didn't catch the first 20 minutes, which was pretty much all of the questions from us from the message board, so I didn't know until now (I just watched the beginning now), heh.

I definitely suggest watching the Live Event (although it's not so live anymore, heh) least the beginning, as that was the best part (in my opinion). :)
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