Totally Out of Control -- Out of print?

Dec 5, 2007

I have been wanting the book totaly out control for a while but im a bit confused, Some people are saying its out of print and will be reprinted in 2008 but some stores says it has it in stock. But sometimes i have orderd things that they say they have in stock, but they haven´t and then they made me buy something else from the store that i did not really want insted of giving me the money back.

So do you know if its out of print or not? =)
Sep 1, 2007
Philadelphia, PA

I have been wanting the book totaly out control for a while but im a bit confused, Some people are saying its out of print and will be reprinted in 2008 but some stores says it has it in stock. But sometimes i have orderd things that they say they have in stock, but they haven´t and then they made me buy something else from the store that i did not really want insted of giving me the money back.

So do you know if its out of print or not? =)

That should answer all your questions =)

I would order it through Kaufman and save on the pre-publication price if you are genuinely interested in getting the book. I have ordered books directly from them in the past and had no problems at all.

Sep 1, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
i would wait until the book is shipped out becaus eit could be cheaper at other places

Cheaper than $35 w/ free shipping? I seriously doubt that anyone is going to offer this book cheaper than you will find it at pre-publication pricing considering the shipping is free. It was $45 nearly everywhere + shipping prior to it going OOP.

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