Trick Battle

Mar 30, 2009
Cards, Coins, Torn and Restored, Levitations, Self Made Gimmicks, YOU PICK IT. Remember, TRICK battle meaning flourishes allowed to enhance the effect, but not a flourish battle :p. Who's up for it?
Mar 30, 2009
Alright you just let me know what type of card battle (I.E. Live Tricks, Stage Productions, Fav Trick etc.) and Itwasluck let me know if you're up for it too. By the way...this will have to start after Wednesday of next week because I don't have my camera charger until then so make it due...Saturday Night at 4pm next week.
Bad weather outside and i only have my super duper webcam, but im eager to get my Perversion variation out there.

So can you do any Inversion type effects?

If not,

im also eager to get my little baby out there, its a sandwich routine with a mentalism twist and i think you can do a sandwich routine.

Let me know which one!

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