Unloading a sandwich

Jul 5, 2017
Hi guys

Settled on some patter for a fairly standard sandwich trick. Won't bore you all with it now but basically the pair of cards 'hunt' the card the spectator selects.

Nothing particularly ground breaking there I know.

I was thinking today it would be a nice second stage to then 'unload the sandwich' - basically to make the card that had been caught disappear again. So from a patter point of view the hunters would track the card, find it and then kill it.

No idea what the technical term is which is making searching for a move difficult...
Unloading a sandwich?
Reverse sandwich?
Trapped vanish?

Doesn't help that they all sound like risky googles as well.

Any thoughts welcome. If you can direct me to someone or somewhere with good work on it then so much the better.



Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Side steal. Display the the three cards in a straight row, held in kind of a Biddle grip. As you square against the deck, tilt the hand so the cards separate a little, which will let you use the fingers of the left hand (assuming you're right handed) to slide the selection to the right, to palm in the right hand, seemingly as you just square the deck with the two "Sandwich" cards on top.

I used to do something like this, but I honestly forgot the whole routine.
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Jul 5, 2017
Cheers gents, will see if I can dig out both of those.

Was messing around with a spread cull method but it's messy and not really justifiable.

Any more for any more?
Jan 26, 2017
He only needs to cull one card out of the sandwich. He needs the spectators card to get out of the sandwich unnoticed
Yes, but when you cull a card, you need to have at least one card on top for cover, and in a 3 card packet, there is not enough going around for one to cleanly cull it out. Of course, you can practice and get it down perfect, but it'll be super angle sensitive and will need heavy misdirection. There are significantly better alternatives. The side steal, count cop, and clip steal have specifically been used for sandwich tricks. The count cop itself was initially used for the exact scenario OP was asking for.
Jul 8, 2017
Yes, but when you cull a card, you need to have at least one card on top for cover, and in a 3 card packet, there is not enough going around for one to cleanly cull it out. Of course, you can practice and get it down perfect, but it'll be super angle sensitive and will need heavy misdirection. There are significantly better alternatives. The side steal, count cop, and clip steal have specifically been used for sandwich tricks. The count cop itself was initially used for the exact scenario OP was asking for.
Makes more sense now, I love sandwich style tricks and just made an original one I'll have to look up count top. Thanks
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Jul 8, 2017
Yes, but when you cull a card, you need to have at least one card on top for cover, and in a 3 card packet, there is not enough going around for one to cleanly cull it out. Of course, you can practice and get it down perfect, but it'll be super angle sensitive and will need heavy misdirection. There are significantly better alternatives. The side steal, count cop, and clip steal have specifically been used for sandwich tricks. The count cop itself was initially used for the exact scenario OP was asking for.
Would count cop be on YouTube or would I have to buy it
Jan 26, 2017
Jul 8, 2017
Here is Action Palm by itself. I found 2 separate stores selling them. It costs $7 US:

This is Marlo's Revelutionary Card Technique. Action Palm is The 2nd or 3rd Chapter. Its a great book, 14 sections full of great work. This is from Penguin Magic. It has a lot more content so its $50 US:
Thanks for the help
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