Where can i get cardistry trainers?



i have seen plastic ones on instagram and i am aware Dan and Dave sell brass ones.
Feb 9, 2015
Dan and Dave's cardistry trainers are brilliant yet quite expensive, so if you sure you will use them, get them. However if not get some plastic ones.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
I fully echo Duncan. The only trainer you need is a real deck of cards because at the end of the day it's what you are going to be using for Cardistry anyway. You will also save tons of money by just buying a single deck instead. In my opinion the deck trainers don't really do that good of a job at "training" you, it just gives you a placebo effect thinking you will be better at Cardistry after practicing with them.
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Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Minneapolis, MN
I tend to agree with the others on this thread about the cardistry trainers.

John Wilson reviewed a training deck like we are discussing in MAGIC Magazine Vol. (24 No.10 (June 2015)) and this is a snippet of what he said on the subject of cardistry trainers:

"One of the hardest aspects of complicated multi-packet cuts is in learning the correct amount of pressure required to maintain a packet without cards loosening along the way; The feeling is lost when practicing with plastic packets,"

He said more on the subject and I don't wanna put the whole review up, but I tend to agree with this line of thinking.
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well i had ordered them shortly after the second reply to this thread and came today - so, i will post some sort of review or something
Jul 11, 2013
I think it really all comes down to preference. I personally find that they help a lot for me when I have the general idea for a flourish but i need to work on the executions and how smooth it looks.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Just had a great idea. Take some thin fishing line and thread it through the packets to make the sizes you want. The cads will still have some give and leeway to give you the feel like they are separate but will stay together when dropped.

Better yet, how much are those cardistry trainers? Send me the money and I will glue or sew a deck together for you and mail it out! ;)
Sep 29, 2015
I was not going to buy trainers because of the advice given above...but....I wanted to be able to practice occasionally in my cubicle at work. My bosses are pretty easy-going, but if they saw a stack of playing cards on my desk, they might think I'm playing cards games on company time or something. A stack of plastic "hand exercisers" would look better.
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