Your Best Reactions

Jun 11, 2008
Hi Guys,

I don't know if this question has been posted before, but I thought I'd ask it anyway:
Out of all the time that you've been performing for real people, what was the best reaction(s) that you have ever got after doing a trick, and what was it that you performed?

(I performed moving violation: by Jay Sankey, at night, in a parking-lot outside of a BINGO place, they thought for sure it was a dot moving across the card, but when they saw that it was a real punched hole that traveled across the card, they ran around the parking lot yelling, screaming, and popping party poppers (it was a b-day party), some of the employees rushed outside to see what had happened)

(I was performing my ambitious card routine at a beach earlier this summer, near the end of the routine, I performed a twirl change-Jay Sankey, suddenly, one of the men i was performing for, who was fully clothed, and dry, ran down the dock and jumped into the water, it turned out that he even had his cell phone on him)

These are some of my true stories of performing for real people, how about some of yours?
Sep 7, 2008
The Moon

I did THREAD a couple of months ago at an Everett Aquasox game. There was a pretty good group of people watching (I had done CHI by Danny Garcia Earlier). When i did THREAD they flipped out. It was awesome. They would not leave me alone the rest of the game.

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I was doing some magic at my dad's office to this one guy and i did an ACR. that's right, just a DL. And guess what? He flipped. And i mean flipped. he was like
"OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHhhhohohoho nooooo!!!!"
and then i moved into sw elevator and he thought the card was actually melting up thought the deck.
It was hilarious because it was one of the best reactions i have ever gotten and it's one of my easier routines.
Recently I performed Stigmata at a party, for about 15 people. When I revealed the card on my arm, 10 of them had their mouths dropped, and gathered around to see it. They were truly amazed by it.
Also, I performed it earlier for a 7 year old kid, and for the rest of the night she was asking me to perform it again. Although I performed a bunch of tricks from the Trilogy Stigmata was certainly my most hard hitting trick.
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Sep 8, 2008
I've made 3 people cry!!
Most recently at the weekend, I performed the invisible deck by getting a girl to ring sommeone and have them think of a card. her friend was going nuts screamign and asking how I did it litterally non-sop for around ten mins, I could just tell the best way to push her overboard was show her it done on her she then started crying!
I've made 3 people cry!!
Most recently at the weekend, I performed the invisible deck by getting a girl to ring sommeone and have them think of a card. her friend was going nuts screamign and asking how I did it litterally non-sop for around ten mins, I could just tell the best way to push her overboard was show her it done on her she then started crying! seems like you ruined her "magical moment."
Apr 27, 2008
F*** you.

Damn man! F***.


*shakes head in disbelief*.

That was when I performed RIOT on my tbane (undergound train) to a group of american exchange students. IT wasn't my best reaction; but I thought i'd share it here because it was certainly one of my favorites.

"Thank you."

A few months ago, I performed for a group of kids diagnosed with cancer at Johns Hopkins. I received all kinds of individual reactions that day, but I got the most fulfilling one when I'd left. It was like a scene straight out of Patch Adams. All the kids were close together and waved goodbye with smiles on their face. In sync with one another, they all said thank you simultanously. It was cute. It felt sincere. I liked it a lot and thought about it for days afterwards.


Michael Kras

{dg} poet laureate / theory11
Sep 12, 2007
With my marketed Destiny Effect, I made two teenaged girls cry. I performed it for them, really milked the moment, and one of them immediately screamed and developed goosebumps all up and down her arms. They were both in tears and screaming. It was incredible and totally unexpected.

Wish I had caught it on tape... now THAT would have made for a killer promo.
Nov 12, 2008

One time, I was getting sick of this one mathematician/ heckler/ trying to figure out every move. So I previously Sneeked a card into his hood and forced a duplicate on him. When I revealed it in his hood, he just fell down. He ran home and I haven't seen him in like a year.


One time, I was getting sick of this one mathematician/ heckler/ trying to figure out every move. So I previously Sneeked a card into his hood and forced a duplicate on him. When I revealed it in his hood, he just fell down. He ran home and I haven't seen him in like a year.

lol. (short)
May 3, 2008
I did Thread 2 weeks ago for a talent show audition. People that were waiting in the halls to audition heard my screams, looked through the door and all shouted Holy sh*t. The judge closest to me shivered and nearly fell off her seat. I pulled it out and everyone applauded, including those in the hall. I received notice last week that I was in.
Oh, and I made my brother scream with that yesterday. What a large, brawlic wimp. Lol.
Dec 30, 2008
Well i did stigmata in study hall and there were screams and I was called Satan repeatedly...... :D
Oct 22, 2008
ok since he resurected this thread ill tell mine: I was at my summer sleep away camp and I performed I think it was stigmata with cards for my whole cabin. Once the trick was over and i revealed the card on my arm the kid took the deck from me ran outside screaming, "IT'S NOT POSSIBLE" over 100 times as he started to throw the cards all over the place even at people, and than he fell to the ground and it almost looked like he was praying bowing up and down or something! True story, NO LIE!

Oct 1, 2008
haha, good one jake...hope they werent expensive cards though

anyway, I have two stories

1. I was performing disjointed. Well i dont actually know how to do it, but my arm dislocates somewhere and I can twist it a full 600 degrees ish. So I performed this for a study hall of about 70 people, and people just started flipping out. Especially when I broke my twist. I hit my elbow to bend it and at the same time, I kicked the desk in front of me to make a sound, and people thought it was coming from snapping the twist. Lets just say, the teachers and students all thought my arm was broken and wanted me to go down to the nurse.

2. I was performing out of this world for my teacher. and I let him shuffle, and did a D*** switch to do the trick. I performed it, and my teacher literally said "thats f*cking weird, how the hell did you do that"
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