Destiny Promo with Actual Footage

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The hand gestures made me bust up laughing. (they need to go)
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
I have a question.

Why do you keep putting up these promo's? I mean why not just put up a regular video like everybody else. Promo's are only for people who sell DVD's or anything you make money out of. You're just advertising a youtube video.. Which doesn't need to be done. Just film the damn thing and then put it up.


I have a question.

Why do you keep putting up these promo's? I mean why not just put up a regular video like everybody else. Promo's are only for people who sell DVD's or anything you make money out of. You're just advertising a youtube video.. Which doesn't need to be done. Just film the damn thing and then put it up.

It's really kind of pointless and sad.
Nov 16, 2008
In the not to distant future
I have a question.

Why do you keep putting up these promo's? I mean why not just put up a regular video like everybody else. Promo's are only for people who sell DVD's or anything you make money out of. You're just advertising a youtube video.. Which doesn't need to be done. Just film the damn thing and then put it up.

yeah, you've spent more time with these promos than with the actual "season"
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
I mean it makes sense for Wayne Houchin or Justin Miller or video games or whatever to put up promo's or trailers. Because they want you to BUY their product. You just have youtube videos. It would be one thing as well if you were advertising for potential clients. But I highly doubt anybody is going to hire somebody because of a street magic video.


Not really. Filming live takes a long time. Longer than just filming a normal youtube series. I have to keep everyone updated on filming progress.


Jan 11, 2008
Not to be rude, but I find your promos and videos rather pointless and they deem no importance.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
No you don't.. I haven't seen anybody here go "Man, Where is Mystifier1! He promised us a video, and I am really looking forward to it."

Just film the damn thing, edit it, and then put it up. It's not like your filming a freaking TV series. And it really shouldn't take that long to film some live footage sense I've seen a ton of other people here do it without having to put up a promo video.

Look, I understand that you don't want to be like everybody else. And that's fine. But really for right now, all you are doing is making yourself look kind of silly. Nobody here cares about all that other stuff.

Besides maybe Steerpike, Which is probably going to come in here and yell at you worse than the time you're mother caught you watching the scrambled channel.


It takes longer than you think im working around my school schedule and wheater since its been storming a lot lately.
Nov 16, 2008
In the not to distant future
It takes longer than you think im working around my school schedule and wheater since its been storming a lot lately.

stop making excuses. If they are stage effects, the weather should not affect the trick as they should be performed on stage.

EDIT: I bet you that if I was pathetic enough to make a series on youtube, I could have had it filmed and done before you finished your first promo.
Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
It takes longer than you think im working around my school schedule and wheater since its been storming a lot lately.

That's bul*** I was in the mall with some friends and one of them happened to have a camera so we did some shooting, I got plenty of material in just an hour.

So spare me with "it takes time to do it" just take a friend and do it, you dont have a whole staff to work for...

You just desperately want attention and somebody that tells you how"awesome" you are, with that poor excuses of performances, you will not find that here..

Read my signature BTW.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
Nah he said he did some magic for real people. I believe that part. I just think the sheet vanish effect is rather lame and the fact that he has to put promo's up for his videos.

I know I sound like a dick, but seriously dude. This is for your own good. We understand that you have a school schedule. The problem is that you put up the promo's! Look at all the other videos. Unless it's Theory or whoever releasing a new DVD. Nobody else puts up promo's because it would look silly.


stop making excuses. If they are stage effects, the weather should not affect the trick as they should be performed on stage.

EDIT: I bet you that if I was pathetic enough to make a series on youtube, I could have had it filmed and done before you finished your first promo.

There are some stage effects in the series not many though. Most of it is mentalism and street magic. There not excuses, but I take you up on your "Bet" go ahead make a series. Get people to watch it. I will even help advertise you. We will see how it turns out. I have no doubt that it will get out before mine, but it wont look as better as mine.
Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
There are some stage effects in the series not many though. Most of it is mentalism and street magic. There not excuses, but I take you up on your "Bet" go ahead make a series. Get people to watch it. I will even help advertise you. We will see how it turns out. I have no doubt that it will get out before mine, but it wont look as better as mine.

Well all your work to this day has been crap, I dont think you can make it worse, if you can, that would actually amase me.
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