Tricks that you have invented

Oct 16, 2007
about how many tricks have u invented,and what are theyre names----

ive invented tons but 5 that really stand out to me are ascend,signed and fined,liqiud state,steamroller,and speed cion to glass what are yours ?
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
Well I made many tricks, but I haven't named them because there's no need to. I'm not selling them nor am I going to state the name to the spectators because I don't think they really care what the tricks called. They just want to see the trick.

Anyway, instead of just saying the name, we should have links to view the tricks that people want to share that they came up with.
I think that would be a great idea.
Sep 1, 2007
I almost roll down the floor when i read the tricks u named, since they all sound uber cheesy and ofcourse no one has any clue what they are except you.
The invention of tricks or routines from sleights that you have learned is one of the most excitng asspects of magic in my opinion.

But I think inventing your own sleights or minor variations on classics is even more satisfying.

Why don't you post some of those tricks in the media section, there names sound intreging.
Hm well, I've made up a few simple card tricks which use simple skills. So, just naming them wouldn't make sense. Although I did make an impromptu signed coin through newspaper (any paper or book etc.) which uses only 1 coin and is completely examinable before-hand and after. I call it "Read Through" that's my prized creation, hopefully it hasn't been made.


The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
I haven't named it, but the one of my own that I do is taking a signed card, putting it into a card box, putting the card box into a ziploc bag and making the card appear between the bag and the card box.


Sep 2, 2007
about how many tricks have u invented,and what are theyre names----

ive invented tons but 5 that really stand out to me are ascend,signed and fined,liqiud state,steamroller,and speed cion to glass what are yours ?

ive invented a few, but most of them are just variation for other tricks

ex(molecule 2 productions/handling...)

but i get good reactions out of this trick where the TG Murphy deck flip is employed ,, effect- card is chosen, lost in the deck, deck is thrown into the air, only that you catch their selection (no palming involved)
Sep 1, 2007
Boston, Ma
i havent really made a "trick" per se...its more of a production. a fan of cards is stabbed into the rest of the deck while its riffling and the selection is produced. Although i have doubts whether its been published before or not
Sep 11, 2007
Haven,matiratzi levitation,ground zero levitation ,skyline,etch,partial ,particle,smoke,in a puff, beyond sight. I made a lot and there actually really good took me about 5 years to prefect.
Sep 2, 2007
I came up with a rubber band restoration called Uncut that's pretty sick, and relatively simple. I have an audience member cut up a rubber band, then I put the pieces in my closed fist. One spectator grabs one wrist, and another spectator grabs the other. They saw the pieces go in my left hand, and my right hand can't get anywhere near it. I wave at my left hand with my right and slowly open my left hand to show one completely uncut rubber band, which a spectator may remove from my palm and examine. Both hands empty, everything's totally clean.

I've also conceptualized a trick called Ashbin that will somehow involve fire and a surprise ending, but I haven't really gotten much done on that one. I'll have to start working on it again soon. Lots of ideas there. I've got the ending worked out, and I have several methods in mind on how to achieve it, but I'm toying around with ideas such as having the card signed and whatnot. More on that when I get around to working on it, which may not be anytime soon.

I also worked out a decent handling for a torn and restored card that actually started out as an impromptu torn and restored receipt effect for some girls that were eating at my restaurant. Card can't be signed or anything, but it's pretty visual. I might try to get it up in the media section if I can get a decent clip.
about how many tricks have u invented,and what are theyre names----

ive invented tons but 5 that really stand out to me are ascend,signed and fined,liqiud state,steamroller,and speed cion to glass what are yours ?

Invent is when you know how to perform your tricks very well...

On you last post you put up these tricks and the you claim that you still are having trouble doing the method.So I would not call myself an inventor when I just think up a trick and not know the method.
Sep 1, 2007
I have created over 40 effects (mostly mentalism)

I'm actually considering publishing some lecture notes containing about 20 of those. Also, if you happen to belong to the "Psychic Entertainers Association" you can learn one of my effects in the june magazine issue:)


The Performer talks of how shadows are really beings of their own. How if you touch something with your shadow, then you can move it just by concentrating hard enough on it. He then calls forward a volunteer who he instructs to sit down in a comfortable armchair. The performer then asks the volunteer to place his arm on the arm of the chair and make himself very relaxed.

The performer then continues on about how shadows can control someone if they are used right. The volunteer then asks if he can see a demonstration, because, he just doesn’t believe him. The Performer then obliges and asks the Spectator(s) to focus on the mans hand. The Performer asks the spectator to concentrate on his hand, and watch as the performers hands shadow moves closer. When the two touch the performer asks if the man can feel anything. The spectators replies “yes, I can feel your shadow rubbing against my arm. Now I can feel it poking me.”

The Flabbergasted (love that word) volunteer is then asked if he wants more proof. He replies in the positive, so the performer obliges. The man is asked to raise his hand off of the chair a few inches. He is told to prepare himself for when the shadow comes across, because this time, it’s going to be very heavy. SO Performer brings his hand over the mans, and he confirms feeling it. Then the Performer is seen to be pressing his shadow down onto the mans hand. The Spectator is then seen to be lowering his hand as if it is being pushed down.

After this amazement, the Performer announces that there is more to come. With his shadow still over the man hand, the performer then asks the man to try and lift his hand. The man invariably cannot lift his hand. The performer then allows the man to be applauded before he asks if he may try something that could be a little scary. The man says that he would love to see, as he finds it hard to top what he has just seen.

At this point in the effect the performer asks the man if he would hold out it arm at arms length. He then talks on about how he want the man to do the exact opposite of what was just done. He wants the man to be very lose, and free with his movements. He then asks the man to shut his eyes, and let’s the audience be the real spectators.

Before the real effect takes place, the Performer patters on about how this time it will be different, he states that his shadow will be making contact with the mans shadow, not his body. After he is done saying this, he takes moves over right in front of the mans shadow. Suddenly, he shoves the shadow, and the man falls down right as the shadows make contact. It seems as if the Performer was right, shadows really are more powerful than we think…much more... [created by my friend and i, he typed this up]


You have a spectator [no stooges] come up on stage and have them sit in a chair. I explaine to them what is going to happen and if they dont want to participate, they dont have to. Moments later they begin to feel their body becoming extremely heavy and you can actually see them start to slump down into the chair. Their body becomes so heavy they are not able to move. I ask them to move their arm but they cant. They cant even move their fingers. Some people can talk during this, others cant. And with a snap of your fingers they are able to move again. Also, they are not in any type of hypnotic state:D.


you draw a little stick figure on a piece of paper and have a person come up. You have that person them turn around and close their eyes, after their turned around you X out a body part on the drawing [making sure nobody can see it but yourself]. You then ask them if they feel something in a part of their body, sure enough they say they feel something in, lets say their left arm. Sure enough when you show them the card their left arm is X'ed out:D

^My favorites

Heres a couple others
u ripped those off criss angel

What are you talking about?! That serioulsy pisses me of beyond belief. You have absoultly no idea. Whats criss do that is anythng like that? Holding a voodoo doll and burning a foot with a stooge? Pre-arranging a shoot where a lady pics a number and the peron feels that many taps?! Those are nothing compared to these. Voodoo is done with a completly random person, anytime you want, wherever you want, and it always works! Shadows pushes people over without touching them, they can actually feel pressure on their hand to the point where they cant lift it off the chair arm. Paralyzed is well, you paralyze somebody. So please, never insult me again by saying i ripped these off from criss. Thats just dumb. If anything i improved upon the things he did. I use no stooges and nothing is pre-arranged. So please, tell me how i ripped these off?:mad:
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