Saturday Night Contest - The Classics


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys,

A ton of great entries this week! The competition is really close, so we are going to sleep on it and come to a final decision later today (May 2nd). You guys did amazing. I wish I could say I was astonished by the quality of submissions but you guys have been taking care of that department for quite a while. The bar just keeps getting set higher and higher!


Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
Hey guys,

A ton of great entries this week! The competition is really close, so we are going to sleep on it and come to a final decision later today (May 2nd). You guys did amazing. I wish I could say I was astonished by the quality of submissions but you guys have been taking care of that department for quite a while. The bar just keeps getting set higher and higher!


As much as I'd like to see a result tonight, I am not one bit surprised that it's going into tomorrow.
From what I have seen in the SNCs since I joined back in Fall 2014, the magic-only SNC's are some of the 'quieter' contests.
However, this contest, for some unbeknownst reason, has brought an interesting pull of entrants. You have people in from WAY back, we get a MOD entering, and (if I'm counting this correctly) 1/3 of the entrants have won at least one Prior SNC.
What's even crazier is that EVERYONE, new and old, has ramped up their entries for his one. 'Quiet' contest this is NOT.

Not sure if it's because everyone wants 'Aberdeen Thread' and the new 5th & Laurel deck. Or everyone got simultaneously uppity this week.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
As much as I'd like to see a result tonight, I am not one bit surprised that it's going into tomorrow.
From what I have seen in the SNCs since I joined back in Fall 2014, the magic-only SNC's are some of the 'quieter' contests.
However, this contest, for some unbeknownst reason, has brought an interesting pull of entrants. You have people in from WAY back, we get a MOD entering, and (if I'm counting this correctly) 1/3 of the entrants have won at least one Prior SNC.
What's even crazier is that EVERYONE, new and old, has ramped up their entries for his one. 'Quiet' contest this is NOT.

Not sure if it's because everyone wants 'Aberdeen Thread' and the new 5th & Laurel deck. Or everyone got simultaneously uppity this week.

I think it's a reflection on the love of the classics :)

Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I didn't have the occasion yesterday to enter the contest but guys, you did a spectacular job this week! Luckily I'm not a judge, I would feel extremely bad for picking only one winner!
Good luck guys!

I'm hoping for honorable mention!! It's not that I set my standards low, it's that the Theory11 community is filled with such heavy hitters, that it's almost intimidating to keep up every Saturday. :)
Curious to see the winner of this one. I love the classics and especially love seeing other peoples versions/handlings/wrinkles/presentations.

Shame my video doesn't count as I am awfully proud of that routine, but I guess it's my fault for being to lazy to re-record! I hope everyone enjoyed it anyway!

Tell me about it. I was at the dentist today, and for an hour and a half while getting my teeth drilled I was more concerned about the contest xD

I was at the dentist not too long ago...I managed to come up with quite a nice card trick whilst laying there, staring at the ceiling. Inspiration clearly does not work to a schedule!

Good luck everyone!

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