Saturday Night Contest - MIND CONTROL


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys, hope everyone is having a great weekend! Just yesterday, Franco Pascali and I kickstarted the first ever theory11 tour here in Miami. We're extremely excited to bring a live show to multiple cities across the United States, and you can find out more information and tour dates by clicking on this link.

While we can't discuss the effects being performed, we want to try a little experiment. Franco has flipped a quarter 5 times, and recorded the outcome of each flip. We want you guys to flip a coin 5 times and record the result of each flip, as well. The format of your response should look like this:

Flip 1: (Heads or Tails)
Flip 2: (Heads or Tails)
Flip 3: (Heads or Tails)
Flip 4: (Heads or Tails)
Flip 5: (Heads or Tails)

Post your response (only 1 per member) in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 11:00pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, November 5th. Once time is up, we will go through all submissions and choose the winner based on who was the first person to record the same outcome as ours, or who was the closest overall.

What can you win? 1,000 Elite Points, 3 Decks of High Victorian Playing Cards and a deck of ultra-rare GOLD MONARCHS, shipped on the house anywhere in the world.

Good luck!
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